
Pidgeotto's Revenge

Julian is inside the pokemon center waiting for his pokemons to get completely healed, he is waiting near the reception as he was in deep thought

Julian 'Now that I have freed Mewtwo before it was introduced in the anime, I don't know what will change in the future, but I have a feeling that Mewtwo would still do the same as he did in the anime, as he wishes to wipe out all the original pokemons from this world, I have to be ready for that event as I don't know if Mewtwo will take the same course of action as it did in the anime, if it doesn't I have to forcefully bring it down'

As he was in his thought process Nurse joy came out with his pokeballs

Joy "Mr. Julian here you go, they are all in good shape"

Julian stopped thinking and received his pokemons

Julian "Thank you, Nurse Joy"

Joy "You're welcome"

Julian walked out of the center and is now ready to head back.

Julian 'Guess I have to go back to Pallet town, now only two things I need to do, one is to resolve the Mewtwo situation and sweep the Indigo league'

Julian hops on to his bike and rides of towards Pallet town.

Julian was now setting a camp near the river where he first met Pidgey now Pidgey was a Pidgeotto and only needed a good chance for simulating his evolution, it was already evening so he decided to leave tomorrow for Pallet town, Julian went to sleep after doing some training with his pokemons and giving them food.

Next day he woke up early and started to prepare food for his pokemons he called them out and told them to continue their training, as Julian was preparing food a strong Gust came out of nowhere and startled him, it blew up his tent and all his utensils seeing the sudden incident Julian frowned and quickly moved away from the strong Gust, he looked at the direction from where the Gust came and saw a group of Spearow followed by a large Fearow in the front, this Fearow looked very menacing, seeing this Julian knew that this group has come to steal the food but he suddenly realized something, the group of Spearow looked similar to him.

Julian 'Arnt they the same ones who where harassing Pidgey, looks like perfect time to simulate Pidgeotto's evolution'

Julian "Pidgeotto look, we have some guest here why don't you greet them"

Pidgeotto was staring at this flock with cold eyes he always wanted to get back on this group of Spearows for what they did to him that day and today he would get his chance, when he heard Julian he flew up in the air and sent multiple Air Slashes towards this group.

Seeing the incoming attack the Fearow quickly moved out of their way as the Air Slashes hit the Spearow behind it causing some of them to fall down after getting hit by those power Air Slashes.

Fearow who saw its servants being injured became angry but also cautious as it got some idea that the opponent is powerful, it also saw that its opponent had allies who were staring at them, but its pride got the better of it and attacked Pidgeotto with Quick Attack.

Julian just let Pidgeotto do the battle as he wanted to see what he will do

Julian [Pidgeotto you are on your own, show me how good you have become]

Pidgeotto nodded, he also used Quick Attack but to dodge Fearow he didn't want to mindlessly waste his energy attacking head-on, Pidgeotto moved away and sent a single big Air Slash towards the unprepared Fearow sending it spinning in the sky, it quickly used its wings to balance itself and preventing its fall.

Fearow this time didn't attack head-on and sent whirlwind towards Pidgeotto who countered it with Hurricane which was way more powerful than Whirlwind and easily destroyed as it continued towards Fearow, seeing this Fearow sent another Whirlwind and this time it successfully deflected it.

Fearow was getting frustrated and soared high in the Air and dived down towards Pidgeotto using Drill Peck, its beak started to be covered by white color energy which formed a drill shape and started to spin in high speed as Fearow launched itself towards Pidgeotto.

Pidgeotto seeing this sent multiple Air Slashes to slow down Fearow, form the time he has been with Julian he has known how to handle the situation on the battlefield, Pidgeotto sent out Air Slashes in a wide range so that Fearow cannot dodge every one which is coming it way and as Pidgeotto predicted Fearow got hit by two of them slowing it down giving Pidgeotto more time to prepare a powerful Hurricane, Hurricane was Pidgeotto's most powerful attack as it has not learned any special moves such as Arial Ace or Brave Bird, Leaving it to master the use in wind-based attacks and he has already mastered it, The slowed down Fearow didn't see it coming but Pidgeotto and gathered enough power to launch a powerful Hurricane which was three times bigger than the previous one he used.

Pidgeotto sent out a huge Hurricane which blew everything in the surroundings, Fearow just saw a huge twister made of wind raging towards it, Fearow braced itself to receive the attack but suddenly the remaining group of Spearow came in between Fearow and the huge Hurricane, they started to counter it using Gust but it was all useless as it all got swallowed by the Hurricane coming towards them, as the Hurricane came near them it started to pull all the Spearow inside as they couldn't resist the suction force of it, the Fearow tried to put on a fight but it also got sucked inside it as the Hurricane took them far away from this place.

Pidgeotto had used a great amount of power inside this attack, even though it wasn't necessary he thought it would help him simulate his evolution and he was right just after the event Pidgeotto started to glow and grew bigger as he evolved into Pidgeot, Pidgeot looked bigger and stronger than normal Pidgeot, this was not unusual as all of Julian's pokemons had this trait, he had personally trained all of them really hard and fed them with nutritious food so this result was a must.

Julian was satisfied by the battle, he knew from the start that Pidgeotto would win even if he didn't evolve, he just wanted to see how will he handle his situation.

Julian 'System show Pidgeot stats'


Status - Pidgeot

Level - 44

Age - 2.4 years

State - Happy

Bond - 95%

HP - 100

Attack - 110

Defense - 80

Sp. Atk - 100

Sp. Def - 89

Speed - 170

Move set - Gust, Sand-Attack, Tackle, Quick Attack, Air Cutter, Whirlwind, Air Slash, Agility, Twister, Sky Attack, Steel Wing, Feather Dance, Hurricane, Brave Bird.

Ability- keen eyes(unlocked), tangled feet(unlocked), big pecks(unlocked)


Julian 'Hmm, he learned Brave Bird that's good but he needs to perfect it if he wants to use this in battle as this move is a double-edged sword, he also learned Agility, Sky Attack, and Feather Dance, that's good'

Julian "Great job Pidgeot now take some rest while I remake the food"

Julian started to clean up the mess those Spearows had created and went back to making food while his pokemons began training as usual, even though they were strong they never stopped training as they got this from their master who would always train not even slacking of one day.

After doing all the chores Julian fed all his pokemons and sent them back to their pokeballs and rode off towards Pallet town.

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