
Shady with a Chance of Conspiracy

Fern fought consciousness as he worked his way slowly toward his bedroom. "I don't know how that little bastard and his friends have been able to withstand so much of the drugged scotch as they have. I want you to keep an eye on them, do you understand?"

"Yes, Sire." Rio replied as he assisted Fern down the hallway. "Will there be anything else you require?"

Fern considered it for a few minutes, his drug fogged brain not working as quickly as usual. "Yes, post someone outside my door for the night." He held up a hand as the man bowed. "Now leave me." Fern didn't wait on the guard's reply as he slammed the door shut. He cursed his own weakness as he struggled toward his luxurious bed. He snarled his lips as he leaned against the massive bedframe. "I'd hoped to have longer to get my affairs into order, but it looks as if I'll need to move forward with my latest plans now rather than later... so be it..."


Russ arched a brow. "What makes you think we would trust anything you have to say? You're here as his guest, remember?"

Drake let out an exasperated sigh. "As I've said, I want the same thing for my people as you want for yours. The vampire clans have been divided for years, and I fear there's a civil war brewing."

Russ shrugged crossing his arms over his chest. "Why should I give a fuck?"

"You have to know, such a thing would be bad news for all supernatural, not just the vampires." Argued in added irritation.

"If you're so concerned then why are you here in the first place." Ry asked.

Poseidon shot Ry a questioning glance. When Ry nodded, Poseidon forged drunkenness as he flung his arm over the young vampire's shoulder. The second he had control over the vampire, he grew serious and began asking the questions they needed answers to. "Why should we trust you?"

"I want to form an alliance with the prince in the hope of saving my people and getting them out from under the dark cloud that was cast by my grandfather." Drake answered in a low voice.

Poseidon sent Ry a look as he asked. "What do you expect the Mediterranean wolf pack to be able to do for you and your people?"

"I believe an alliance would rectify the feud started by Draco. I believe the power of my mother's ties with Fern was a good start but with the wrong person. Continuing dealings with him may be beneficial for vampires now but cannot be sustained under the current illegal operations." Drake stared ahead at nothing in particular.

"And what deal is that?" Poseidon asked.

"They agreed to secure his place as king and leader of the MWP in exchange for exotic bloods along with other black-market goods." Drake answered flatly.

Poseidon arched a brow as he asked one last question. "Have you seen the operations? What and where are they?"

"Anything from drugs, poisons, and fine liquors to blood, organs, and even whole individuals. He specializes in exotic children and some younger women." Drake answered, still in the controlled haze.

Poseidon released his shoulder. Patting it he picked up where they had left off. "We'll hear you out, why don't you tell us what you know and show us what you can." He nodded toward Russ. "I'm sure the prince will promise to do what he can for your people as well, as long as the information is worth it, and you prove to be trustworthy."

Russ nodded as the young vampire met his stern gaze. Ry leaned toward him and whispered something low that the others couldn't hear before standing and nodding toward everyone else as he left the room. Russ waited as the massive man closed the doors behind him. Standing once the room was secure again, he extended his hand. "You have my word, as long as your motives continue to benefit and not hurt both our people evenly, I agree to maintain an alliance with you... YOU Drake, not your mother, not other representatives from your clan. If you want to keep this truce then you have to see to it yourself, understand?"

Drake nodded. "That is a wise decision on your part. I can't blame you for it. I'll not pretend that even the majority of my own clan will be fully supportive of the idea... at least not at first." A heavy frown settled over his expression. "They will be giving up many luxuries within this new deal, but they are luxuries afforded them through inhumane means." He held Russ's gaze. "What do you know of your uncle's operations?"


Ry waited patiently as Arei's phone continued to ring. The voicemail was just about to play when the call was finally answered. Ry could hear laughter and music playing in the background. "Where the hell are you at?" He could hear Arei whisper to someone, presumably Jos before he answered.

[Nice to hear from you too. Give me a second to find a quieter place to talk.] Arei shouted over the music. A heavy door shut before Arei continued. [What's up? Have you guys found something?]

Ry frowned as he looked around the hallway. "Maybe, looks like we are going to be working with Drake DeMarco for the time being."

A frown echoed in Arei's voice. [Is that really a good idea? If you guys need extra help, we'll be there by tomorrow evening.]

Ry turned into a private room and looked around before he replied. "Dad interrogated him, he's genuine and knows more about Fern's workings than we could hope to uncover within the narrow time we have."

[What do you mean by narrow time? What happened this time?] Arei asked, concern heavy in his voice.

"It is obvious Fern is at the end of his patience. He's not going to play nice much longer." Ry replied.

[What do you need from us?] Arei asked.

"I need you to get here as soon as possible. Once we find what we need, we need to be able to move fast... a swift takeover." Ry instructed.

[Are you that convinced in the vampire's knowledge?] Arei asked.

Ry nodded more to himself than anyone else. "He mentioned things that we'd only speculated about until now... along with added information. He gave motive and exactly what has been exchanged. All we need is to prove it to bring the case to a close with the council. Then you'll be off clear."

[I hope that's not the only reason you're doing this.] Irritation was heavy in Arei's voice.

Ry let out a long sigh. "No, it's not the only reason for me just like I can bet it's not for dad... but if we can help the kid and get you free of Zeus and the council's hold then it's a win-win in my book."

[As long as Jos is under their thumbs, I will be as well... and I'm fine with that. The only reason I ever wanted my freedom from it all in the first place was to be with her.] Arei replied.

"I take it things are going well on that front?" Ry asked in honest curiosity.

A smile widened Arei's lips as the door pushed open and a silver head emerged. [It is... and I've never been happier.] "What is it, kitten?" He whispered as he pushed the phone away from his mouth.

"I got worried when you didn't return... is something wrong?" Jos asked as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed up onto her tiptoes to kiss his lips.

"Everything is fine. Go back inside and enjoy yourself, I'll be back in a few minutes." Arei murmured, giving her another tender kiss before standing back up straight and holding the door open for her.

"Well, it sounds like the two of you have taken several leaps and bounds forward... I'm happy for you, brother... truly..." Ry muttered.

[But?] Arei asked with a chuckle.

Ry let out a long breath. "It's just going to complicate things is all..."

A heavy frown fell over his expression. [There's nothing to be complicated, she's where she should be now... where she should have been all along. She'll even tell you she and the pup had no future. Now it's time for him to realize that.]

"You seem very settled on that idea. Will you be as confident when the two of you are working side by side with us?" Ry asked, honestly concerned.

Arei thought it over for a few seconds longer than necessary. [Confident... no... trusting... yes... I love her, and she loves me. I put my faith in her and her unswayable devotion.]

Ry arched a brow. "Bold move considering her unswayable devotion has been swayed more than once before."

[You know it was much more complicated than that. We've worked through everything that's important.]

Ry let out a heavy sigh. "I only worry for your wellbeing. I saw what it did to you the first time you lost her."

[I don't plan to repeat that a second time. So, there's nothing for you to worry about where she and I are involved. Just focus on helping the kid and keeping him from showing his ass too bad. We'll see you guys' tomorrow evening.] Arei said before ending the call.

Ry blew out a long breath. "I hope you're right..." He mumbled as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. He pulled the door open and was surprised to meet the small group he'd left in the study coming down the hall toward him. "Where are you guys off to?"

Poseidon's smile widened. "We were just looking for you. We're going on a field trip!"

Drake shook his head from under the heavyweight of Poseidon's arm. "This guy is way too excited about this shit... I'm starting to believe I'd be safer with the black-market dealers." He laughed uncomfortably.

Ry shrugged. "What can I say, he's a hugger when he gets drunk."

Russ chuckled as he walked past them. "Better than what I've heard you do when drunk..." He gave Ry's shoulder a playful pat as he headed toward the elegant front staircase.

Drake and Giorgos exchanged curious looks. "Alright, I just have to ask... What are your relations here? You seem too close to be work relations..."

Giorgos chuckled as he followed Russ close behind. "I have to admit, I've been curious myself."

Ry shrugged. "There's no lie Don and I are here in the interest of the council and governing Gods, but we also really like the prince." Ry sent them both a wide grin. "Surprising, isn't it? That Prince Grouch can actually be likable?!" They both nodded.

"I have to admit, Russ isn't like any prince we've had on this island." Giorgos replied as he watched Russ interact with a guard. The guard had nearly folded in half in a deep bow and Russ was arguing with the man to be less respectful.

"There is no reason to do that." Russ growled as he tugged the man back upright. He bent to meet the man's adverted gaze. "If you want to show your loyalty, keep quiet and don't let anyone follow us."

"Yes, Sire!" The man said as he stiffened to attention.

Russ placed a soothing hand on the man's shoulder. "It's just Russ, alright. If you want to earn my favor all you have to do is be someone I can rely on, understand?"

The man stiffened again as he said. "Yes, Sir- Russ... Sir..."

Russ blew out an exasperated breath. "Just Russ..."

Ry chuckled as he walked past the two and pushed open the hidden panel. "You just as well give up on that front, kid... They've been trained for generations to react as such."

"Yep... A real pain in the ass to deprogram." Poseidon said as he released Drake and pushed him forward, still pretending to be drunk.

Drake arched a brow as the unusual man followed behind him through the secret passage. "And what is your part in all this, exactly?"

Poseidon shrugged. "We all have our useful qualities." He nodded toward Ry. "He's the brawn, I'm the brains," He nodded to Giorgos. "He knows the island best, and you, my new friend have the ability to work as our spy for the time being."

Drake frowned. "And you honestly believe Fernando will still trust us after tonight?"

Russ shrugged as he pulled open the door leading down into the basement. "He doesn't need to trust us... only you or at the very least your brother... That is, as long as you trust your brother..."

Drake's frown deepened, "I trust Mattie. He may be an idiot, but he's not a bad guy. He wants the same thing as I do." He pointed toward a door as they made it to the basement landing. "The main laboratories are just past that door, past that is the cellars... I'm not sure what's past that, but I'm guessing it's where the harvests take place and where the victims are kept."

Ry walked around the room looking over various stations. "How far have you personally been inside this area?"

"Only through the cellars. The night you guys crashed the dinner party, we were supposed to tour the 'other products'." Drake emphasized the words.

"Do you think you or your brother could get another invitation?" Ry asked.

Drake shrugged as he watched the four men take the room in sections. "What is it you're looking for in here?"

Ry pulled open a drawer. "We have reason to believe Fern was involved in the assassination of both sets of rulers before him... We need proof."

Drake's eyes widened. "I know he was involved in the attacks against the previous rulers, but his own parents?"

Ry nodded. "Yes..."

"Damn... that's cold." Drake murmured as he turned his attention to a workstation.

"You have no idea..." Russ growled as he flipped through a notebook. "Hey look at this." He said as he held the book up for the rest of them. "I think I've found something."

Cliffhangers make me happy...

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