
Covered in Blood

Yu Zhen was too concerned about Li Xueyue's behavior to realize the sorrow that hung over him. He approached her, clasping their hands together. They had just lost what could've been their first child…but there would be many more to come, and he was hopeful.

It felt strange. He was always a pessimist, much like her. But at times like this, he was forced to adapt so that she doesn't go down the rabbit hole. 

"You've yet to tell me how you feel," Yu Zhen said. 

Li Xueyue wasn't paying attention to him. Her eyes were fixated on the doors, waiting for it to open. Once Xu Jiaqi gave her explanation, Li Xueyue would deem the appropriate punishment. 

"My unruly wife," he called out, teasing her. His taunts always provoked a reaction from her. He was certain that it would work.

But she didn't even hear him. Distraught danced in her eyes, as she nibbled on her bottom lip. She was with him, but consciously, she was elsewhere. 

"Sunshine," he deadpanned.

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