
What's My Crime?

Wen Jinkai was not the only person who entered the Throne Room. He was accompanied by a sour-faced Duke Li Shenyang who glowered at the Emperor the second he walked in.

Duchess Wang Qixing saw the glint in her husband's eyes. He seemed out of breath as if he had rushed here. What was he planning? 

Duke Li Shenyang stared up at the man he grew up with. The Emperor was the Duke's first friend. It would only be fair if Duke Li Shenyang was the one who would end everything.

Duke Li Shenyang found it ironic that the Emperor didn't realize history was repeating itself. Li Xueyue was taking the heat in place of Li Wenmin, it was just like when they were children and the Duke shouldered the Emperor's punishments. What a petty ruler. The Emperor must've been furious that his power and authority were challenged when he did nothing to deserve his position.

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