
Strange Answer

"Hey, I am here for the request."

"Your the third person today. Do not think you can fool me."

"Do you make bread here?"


"Do you serve meat here?"


"Good. Show me your prebread."


"The dough, that's what it's called."

"Do not join words!! Only demons do that!!"

"Right, right, sorry. I am a solo adventurer, so the demon speak must have rubbed off on me since lately most conversations I have had were with demons. Anyways, let us make tacos."

"I have never heard of tacos."

"Take the dough, pull out a chunk about this size and flatten it. Spinning motions help even it out. Then pull off the excess."

"This recipe has started out different than any other I have seen. Let me see if you can pull off this request."

"I have full confidence that I can. Now cook the bread. Not in an oven. Over the oven. Good thing you have this magic oven. This would not have worked in a typical wood oven. You do not want this bread to rise. Which is why the dough has to be this thin. Now pull off portions of cooked meat."

"Okay, done."

"Done with this tortilla as well."

"So this is called a tortilla."

"Yeah. Put the meat in the tortilla, fold like so, and eat. Try the simple taco."

"This is good!! Wait, you said this was simple."

"You can add flavors by adding..."

In the end, I completed the request for original recipe and got a restaurant to make tacos. Double win.

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