
The Academy

Skye remained silent, watching the elder elf as he turned and left. Once she knew he was from enough away she let out a great sigh grabbing between her eyebrows.

"What a wonderful start to my day" Skye grumbled to no one in particular.

"Hey cheer up, it will get better. Come on let me see a smile" Isaac suddenly appeared right beside her in his usual cheery mood.

Skye looked over at the elf and couldn't help but laugh. Isaac had his bow strung backward and he put his quiver on upside down. She really didn't know what she was going to do with him, how could such a genius be so stupid sometimes.

"Come here and let me fix this mess you got yourself in," Skye said in a voice a mother would use with a child who put their clothes on backward.

Isaac smiled and walked over happy his trick had worked. He knew that if he pretended to be stupid she would smile and would forget about her already crappy morning at least just for a moment.

Skye adjusted his equipment, as she did her other students started to arrive for morning practice. This was a mix level course so she had some who were almost archery masters and she had some just beginners. Although none of her students were quite as bad as Isaac. Luckily she had another of the other archery masters, who would sometimes come to her more busy morning practices to help. Today Skye's helper was an elder by the name of Zachery, Skye likes and trusted him very much. Elder Zachary was one of the few elves who did care about the rumors that surrounded her, because of this she knew she could I trust Isaac to him for the morning practice. By doing this she was able to place all her attention on the other students all 49 of them. Zachary led Isaac to the practice range on the other side of the school for not only his safety but also for the safety of others.

"Alright, class let's start off with 50 bullseyes for the more experienced, 25 for the advanced, and 10 for the beginners. Once done restring 3 of the academy bows in the pile that is behind me after that so a lite jog around the track followed by quiet meditation until classes start. If you have any questions or concerns please step away from the target and raise your hand. This will ensure that everyone is able to get through quickly." Skye announced to the group in a tone that not only demanded respect but was also instantly given it.

Although many of her people hated and disliked her they all obeyed any instructions that she gave. It wasn't due to the fact that she was the princess, it was because she truly was the greatest archer the elven kingdom had ever seen.

"Alright if there are no questions you know your orders, Dismissed," Skye said and in an instant, all 49 elves who were previously standing at attention saluted Skye. She herself then came to attention and saluted the elves.

Although she hated being saluted it was mandatory due to the fact that she was in charge of the military program at the academy. She had been since 18 when she was recruited into the elven military. By 20 she became the 2nd highest ranked elf 2nd only to her father.

The elves began their morning training, things were going quite smoothly as they got into a system of things. Suddenly one of the more advanced elves stop back and raised their hand. In an instant, Skye realized that this day was going to get a whole lot worse. It was Natalie, the eldest daughter of her father's oldest advisor. Natalie although very gifted with a bow was nowhere close to Skye's level.

Skye approached the female elf trying her best to hide her irritation knowing that Natalie was just trying so this to bother Skye.

"Yes corporal," Skye said in a neutral tone.

"General I don't know if the beginners are able to shoot 10 bullseyes. Don't you think you are asking too much of them? Many of the beginners are barely able to hit one bullseye let alone ten." Natalie asked with a false tone of concern.

It took all of Skye's effort not to roll her eyes. All of the beginners except for Isaac could easily shoot 30 bullseyes. The only reason she had given them such a low number was that it was just morning training and they still had Personal training (PT) and group training later in the day and she was tired and didn't want to have to deal with complaints this early in the morning. Her day was already starting off shitty and now she had to deal with Natalie.

"Corporal since you have such concern for the beginners I will lower their number of bullseyes to five." as Skye said this a wicked simile spread across Natalie's face.

"I knew it Natalie didn't care about the beginners she is just trying to make me lose face. I'm not going to let you win this round." Skye thought as she saw Natalie's smile.

"However since you questioned a superior's direct orders you will have to make up for the beginners now lessened bullseyes. Sincere there are 15 beginners, at 5 each that is another 75 plus your required 25 that is an even hundred bullseyes. Plus I expect you to finish the rest of this mornings training. Don't worry I will inform the other teachers so you will be excused from those classes. However, you are still expected for PT and group training and since you decided to quest my order in such a public setting I expect your bullseyes to be completed concurrently. That means in a row so if you miss you start over at 1. You are not to leave this training field until it is complete. Is that understood corporal?" Skye said all of this in such a demanding tone that the other students all suddenly stopped shooting to give the corporal looks of pity.

"In the future, if any of you have questions about your orders given to you by a superior officer ensure you do so in private. Question a superior office without a valid reason will not be tolerated." Skye addressed the other elves who had since stopped shooting and were now staring at the corporal as if she were a total moron. Many of them had heard what she had said to Skye but not all. The ones who didn't couldn't believe that they dare to do such a stupid thing.

"But.....but..... Skye...." Natalie started blubbering like a total moron, trying to figure out how her plan had backfired so horribly.

"Corporal, do you wish me to add to the 100 bullseyes you already have?" Skye raised an eyebrow essentially saying try me.

"Also you know that it is General Skye or just general," Skye added.

"Yes, General" Natalie said in a weak tone.

"Alright then, everyone back to work!" The general said in a tone again that demanded attention.

Everyone immediately snapped to attention and resumed practice.

Skye walked away letting out a great sigh after she was far enough away. She hated doing things like this but she also knew that if she didn't she would have no control over her troops. Her father was probably going to reprimand her later for being so harsh on Natalie, due to her high social status. Skye rubbed between her eyebrows. When will this day end?

If you could I would love to hear from you about whether you like long chapters or short? Also please excuse some of the spelling mistakes I was writing on my phone and have just now realized that my spell check isn't as good on it. I have fixed the typos for the most part and have updated them. However, I am not 100% sure if it updates them for you guys so feel free to let me know. Thanks again for ready!

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