
The Elven Feast (Part Three)

Skye was quite upset to be silenced by her father by she held her tongue and decided to pick her battles something she had learned many years ago. She was quietly fuming while the rest of the guests were enjoying the massive feast her father had prepared for the visitor.

"Come on Skye you can't stay mad at him forever" Isaac whispered into her ear.

He was seated next to her in the banquet hall. Due to his gifts as a healer and the fact that he was Skye's only friend the King always gave him a place of honor at the head table next to Skye. Skye was wedged between Isaac and her father the two men she cared about most, but also the men who knew how best to piss her off.

"Yea yea I know" Skye grumbled as she drank some wine. She then proceeded to move her food around the plate as she contemplated how many lives would be lost if they agreed to the stupid mortal's request for aid.

The Elven people were a very proud race, they looked down on mortals for they didn't live as long as the elves. The druids lives were so fleeting and many died due to quarreling amongst themselves. That was what Skye had always been taught in school and she had seen mortals before and even met a few due to public relations but she never grew close to any of them. They never interested her they always seemed boring, then again all the ones she met were much older than her and they always treated her a dumb child.

"Do you think that helping the mortal is the right choice?" Skye whispered into Isaac's ear. She genuinely cared about her friend opinion.

"Think about what would happen to the alliance if we didn't. They are about to crown a new King who we know nothing about. We can hope he is as diplomatic as the current King but we must also be cautious. We have not quarreled with the Druids since your father become King after the death of his father." Isaac whispered back.

Skye could tell he was nervous, they had all heard the stories of the fighting before her grandfather had died. It was actually the Druids who had killed her Grandfather on the battlefield. Her father had seen the whole thing he was quite young only about 300 years old at the time. That was when her father decided that there would be no more bloodshed between the two sides and that if there was fighting it wouldn't be he who started it.

"Yea, you have a point but either way elves will die that much is true," Skye said just before downing the rest of her wine and pouring more.

She had a tendency to drink when she was upset. Isaac knew this and he knew she usually regretted it in the morning so he made a note to keep an eye on her. He knew that after about four glasses that she started to lose the mental filter she had and she would say anything that popped into her head. Luckily tonight she seemed to be taking it easy because after she finished her second glass she switched to water.

Skye leaned towards her father who was currently enjoying a conversation with the prince. "Father may I be excused" she whispered into the old King's ear.

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