
Is it just me or am I cursed

Eros then felt the ground shake and saw a fight in the air. a young woman seems to be fighting a fire user and as they're fighting she is ambushed by another warrior.

Irene by Eros side asks "are you not going to help her?"

"and why would I? I don't know her and I dont even know what the reason they're fighting about or the laws of this world. What if she killed his family." 'actually Eros was worried if he went Irene would get hurt'

"and I thought you just randomly attacked


The girl ecaped death by sealing her soul in the Coiling Dragon Ring. The guys were killed...Eros then princess carried Irene to the scene to steal...aquire the fallen items.

When he went to the ring. He notice she still was residing in it..Eros was wondering if he should kill her but decided deal with it later. He then scaned the ring for anything else and notice it had quite a few god tear items one which being a drop of blood from a low tear god...it wasn't enough to unseal his power but at least it will speed things up so instead of hundreds of years it may take less than a hundred years....

So he went to absorb the first drop then he felt some energy and seemed to feel his presence.

"is this his dimension...

"ok were getting out of here now"

"huh wha"

before she could finish Eros opened the portal and transfered somewhere else closing the portal before he eyes Eros

Sweat was on Eros face as he was went through the portal. 'I'm not strong enough to deal with that right now.

Once Eros entered the new world and he had a chill down his back..

"oh noononononononoo this is Allheaven universe...ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME WHY am I cursed....wait thats right i am cursed" Eros hurried and took Irene. he used his third drop of blood... he was getting pissed off as he went through the portal

"What are you doing? Eros are you going back Earth land?"

"huh no I can't connect to that dimension yet"

"then why did you leave those worlds"

"did you think Acnologia was powerful?"

Irene had thought about how powerful he was and was afraid"Are you saying there someone as powerful as Acnologia in those places

"ha they would use that version of Acnologia as toilet paper"

*breathing heavily thinking of all her people and friends being killed by Acnologia and it turns out he was weak ...


"don't worry about it if I wasn't sealed I'd challenge them but "eros looks at her and shakes his head" nothing lets go this world seems to be a good place to huh Yui are you there"

"Daddy finally you notice me " Yui pouts. as her voice came from his watch. (it was made in gundam Iron blooded orphans if you forgot)

"haha sorry can you come out of the dimension?

"no I can't most of my powers were sealed too..."

"well gets some rest alright. Irene lets go this way" Eros recognized the place. it was where Kaguya was sealed

Eros held onto Irenes hand and ran up to where Kaguya was... staring at the earth...

"YO Kaguya long time no see"

Eros releases Irene and goes in front of Kaguya. Irene feels a little weird by the scene because they are both staring at each other. She begins wondering if she should look away when Kaguya starts crying

Irene goes up and hits Eros on the head "Hey what are you doing making your girlfriend crying

She then looks at Eros and Irene.

Eros goes "she didn't even notice us till a second ago

"Who are you, why have you come." Emotionless she said

"Oh me I'm Eros we met years ago and this is...my future wife Irene

"whose wife is this Irene were not married. "

"your the voice who spoke to me years ago?"

"yup long time I was worried you forgotten me"

"Leave I want nothing to do with you humans"

"huh what do you mean humans? Look at this tail humans don't have tails and she is a dragonkin a race that turns into dragons "


"umm " she then hits Eros hard and he is flown away

Irene looks at both of them and runs to Eros

"What a rude person. She didn't even try to talk with us. I tried to talk with her and she ugh." Irene complained for a while

"Its fine wait here for a moment"

Eros went back to Kaguya "hey why did you hit me.*sigh*come with me " Eros drags Kaguya with him to where Irene was

"ok first lets summon the Mansion " Eros summoned the mansion then started carving stones of Kaguya and Irene. They both were shocked because the details looked lifelike.

"Ladies welcome to your new home" Eros announced when he finished allowing them access to it'

They both stood in shock because they felt great power coming from it. Kaguya thought she seen the greatest powers but now felt weak and Irene was beginning to get numb of the shock.'

As they entered Eros led them to the lounge and he went to the kitchen an made them some food. He explained how the house worked

"they didn't talk with each other while they were waiting.

"Eros I don't need to eat right now. the transformation changed my appetite."

"I dont require nourishment" this went on for a month till Eros lost it


the girls looked at each other and went to sit on down on the dinning room

Eros sighs and when they sat down and ate . it was quiet. After the meal Eros stands up and looks at the girls

"Kaguya, Irene...I know you both are suffering. I really do. Both of your husbands betrayed you and declared you their enemy and the people who originally loved you tried to kill you saying your a monster." the girls felt many emotion first sadness, anger, frustration heartache and many more.


"dont say anymore"

"both of you had risked your lives saving your kingdom and the price both of your closet friends sacrificing their lives to save you from those people."

""SHUT UP"" both of their powers were acting up

"You both only wanted peace but it just made people suffering and you both lost hope in the people. yet why are you still alive? why are you trying to change the world in some what or someway.

""...."" They both tense

"it is because this is a ugly yet beautiful world " Eros then gets his violen and sings

{metamorphose by Yoko Takahashi}

Whisper "Goodbye" to this ugly world,

and adorn everything with crimson red wings.

So dirty that I can't help thinking they are lovely,

those people who breath on this earth.

I hate it so much that I want to embrace it,

the other me in front of the mirror, I'm looking at it.

And people, in order to hide their weakness,

they wounded someone kind.

I want protect it, but it wants to break.

Too transient because it is sad.

Even though it has no words, its small figure,

in order to live on, hides its strength.

If everything disappears and darkness comes,

I will still remember your scent.

Into the world of soft light,

Bury the loneliness into this burning hot chest.

Repeat the end and if we meet again,

let my foolish desire be caught,


Whisper "Goodbye" to this ugly world,

and dance with crimson red wings.

Wave your hand "Goodbye" to this beautiful world,

The reason for the endless flow of tears,

tell me..."

They both thought of their betrayer and how painful it was. They didn't believe them when they told they were pregnant. They hate their ex husband but the dream where people never have to suffer still remains. That dream drives them no it is the only thing of their love. They both were mentally broken and wanted to just.. they felt a warm arms around them

"I know you girls are giving up but don't worry I'll become your strength, I will fight your enemies I will help you through your troubles."

"no I hate men I hate you I dont need you"

"I dont want to be betrayed again

"I wont betray you and I'll love you"

"I dont want to fall again fall again"

"I don't want to lose anymore

"I will pick you up and I'd fight with you so you wont lose

""I dont want to be alone""

"I'll be there with you always"



""don't know if I can love again"

Eros then looks at the girls and smiles...

"girls did I tell you my identity?"


"Yes but my title is Eros the god of Lust...For years I would sleep with any girl but most people just were with me because I was good at sex no one ever wanted to be with me...imagine that I spent billion of years without believing in love and no one by my side" Eros tells the story of him and Psyche

"But what does you love story have to do with us?"

"yeah are you bragging" both had tears

"simple when choice was made she proved her love to me going against the god themselves risking her and our child just to be with me...your husbands showed they never truly loved you..You two just let me be by your sides and I will help you through your tough times..

They said nothing and just hugged and throughout the night...

a couple years laer'

"ok I'm bored of being here, Erza, Tama stop playing and get ready"

"yes Eros-otousan

"Girls are you ready to leave this place and have some crazy adventures"





"cough anyway lets go down to explore" Eros punches and creates a new portal that leads to earth. him and his two wives and daughters start on their journey where too no one knows... is what they should be thinking but Eros saw two figures fighting. their class causes them to be fierce to most people.

Eros went up to the middle of the fight at night and screams "hey I'm looking for a village do you know where the nearest one is." They both look at him like hes crazy. One looked angry

"you bastard interupting our fight you shall die."

Eros just looks at the guy and says "you're already dead"

"What do you mean dead he was about to attack then his head exlodes"

"you just killed Madara"

"Yeah da fuck a Madara? you mean those bull fighters? well whatever as I was saying my family and I are sight seeing and were looking for a village to sleep...oh was that guy a bad guy? well he was weak not like it matters right"

The man Eros was talking to coughed up blood and fainted

"....if you didn't know you didn't have to pretend your slee...he passed out"

So madara is dead...lesson is never try to attack Eros with killing intent

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts
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