
Ch 33 Date?

Dear Diary

I am here , writing again about my pitiful life.

It's been days since I got any college acceptance.

Mother ,though told me not to worry about such STUFF , cause we can always use our powers and get our work done anytime , Why not college?

But I really want to try on my own ,but I feel that I won't be able to achieve any college acceptance.

What I really fear though is that mother and the Queen are talking about marriage ! I am Just 18yrs old ! Why will I marry at such a young age , But mother and father disagree with me cause mother's marriage took place ,When she was 15yrs old . Why will I marry the crown Prince ? I should have a say in my own personal life! That's the reason why I am trying to get out of this hell hole and study in England.

Father is nearby I will write later


Aurora .


Arran slammed the book shut . Its been 3 days , 3 days since she came out of her room , Lia was furious when Arran tried to make any excuse to avoid classes .

Truth is .

Arran was addicted to the diary , Though she knows that looking into somebody's private matters is not good , but her curiosity won her over .

She was fascinate by the rebellious princess

The future Queen.

She always used to hear about the famous Queen who took over the country's most private matters , No queen ever took part in discussing country's private matters , for Arran she was a hero a goddess.

Arran quickly stood up and his the book and picked up a glass of water .

She quietly stared at the glass and thought , 'Who leaked the data of Royal family?'


"I need you to bring me file number 459 where Mr Reed's documents are kept "

"Set the table , Quickly wipe the table !"

"Get the refreshments and stationary! Have you set the projector up?"

Long's headquarter was filled with chaos.

The biggest annual meeting was here .

The meeting to shift the powers.

Meeting for a new CEO.


"Liaaaaaa" Mike sang lia's name like a song .

Lia frowned and slammed her book shut .

"What are you doing here ? go away! let me study" she took a deep breath.

"Hey! you have been studying since 2hrs , take some rest" he offered her ice tea.

Lia's eyes went wide "Ice tea!!!!! when did you buyed this ?"

Mike pretended to think "humm let me think ... oh yes ! I got a message from a fairy queen ,she told me that a young beautiful woman was dying due to stress and work ..... maybe she needs some handsome company!" he grinned.

Lia face screamed 'Am I a joke to you?'

she stared the blond blue eyed Asian American mysterious guy who was paving his way inside her heart , she often used to hear that Mike was a ruthless person ,he was a goon ,he had those cold eyes that would make any one wet his pants .

Lia smirked


They all are liars . He is nothing like that .

A beautiful small smile crept on her face when she remembered her first meeting with Mike .

Mike who was sitting next to her , and saw the beautiful smile on her face . He kept staring towards her face , how can someone have 2 different sides ?

He knew that Lia went inside her own little world ,but if that would made her smile without any care .

He won't let her out of that world .

As Lia was thinking about her past experiences a frown crept in ,

Where is Vincent?

Its been days since she had seen him .

Where is he?

Mike gently patted her hand . "hey! what happened? you were smiling a second before and now you had that frown on your face , what happened? did maths came inside your head?" He sipped his coffee.

Lia smiled faintly and shook her head "Nah I was just thinking about few projects."

She was not yet ready to talk about her life with mike.

Mike smirked and stared towards Lia" This is our first date do you know that?" he sipped his coffee.

Lia was confused "what? No? No! why would I go on a date with you? and library? no please!" she closed her eyes and breath out.

Suddenly Mike's phone began to ring , He looked at the screen and frowned .

"I am sorry will talk to you later ..." he stepped out of the library.

Lia looked at her empty cup and whispered

" A date... "


A figure emerged from behind the pillar , the person had a camera and a photo of a happy looking couple ,who were engrossed in their own bubble.



Assistant Wu stood and gave orders to the staff inside the meeting hall .

Wu was the assistant and the closest person to the chairman Mr Long .

He knew every secrets and drama of the long family.

Wu sighed

'Its time to reveal everything'

And this time no one can change Mr Long's mind.



wow webnovel has changed a lot !

*-* yo °×° °^° °=° {°^°} Idk what am doing.....?

_Whitecreators' thoughts
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