
The infection

I wake up in a dungeon and I am trapped with chains. I would get out but I need to see what's going on I yell "jai? Wolf? Anyone?" No answer I decide to get out I struggle a bit but get out of the chains quick I start to get worried because there is no exit or entrance. I look around to see what looks to be a puzzle it is in the shape of a diamond but the shapes are backwards. "Let's see here" I say as tying to figure out what to do but then I hear someone "do you have him?" I hear one say, "wolf?" I keep listening but then the door handle starts wiggling I get ready to fight but when the door opens it is just jai. "Oh thank god its you" I say to jai "hey asena" she says "where is wolfie?" "Well I don't know I hear someone talking about him so maybe they have him" I explain ~growl~ "what was that?" "I don't know but we should get out" jai says. We rush out the door i some how did not realize was there. We hear zapping so we quickly go in the room and surprisingly wolf is in there being electrocuted while the two people in lab coats ask him questions, "where are the chests?" One of them say "did you start the infection" the other started. ~cough~ wolf does not look good so right away me and jai take down the two people while jai gets wolf out of the strapped down seat. ~cough~ "are you ok wolfie?" Jai asks "who are you two?" He asks "oh no wolf" I say "we need to get him out of here" I tell jai "got it" she responds. While we run around in the building we seem to be finding our way around we spot the doors out of this place "there it is" jai points out she suddenly zhao appears in front the doors and knocks me down "no exiting until everyone is taken care of" zhao says. Jai knocks him down with her tail but then he gets up, jai stays straight getting ready to punch him but when she does zhao gets out the way and kicks jai down. I get up trying to attack him but he grabs my arm and throws me down, jai is mysteriously gone "well that was a fun time but sadly fun times will have to end" zhao says as he is about to strike us down but then jai come back with the zapper they used on wolf and electrocutes zhao "quickly let's get out of here" I say. After that we left and headed to what wolf called "the safe space"

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