
My Husband is an Orge Chapter 4

" Another Successful Sacrifice, Kira."

Kira raised her head from her plate of Lobster risotto and grilled asparagus to look at her father and family. He wore his most expensive suit and tie in order to celebrate yet another sacrifice. He held up what seemed to be his sixth glass of wine tonight and she knew he wouldn't stop at just that one. He wouldn't stop in till he was passed out drunk and she hoped she was well away when that happened. The man who was her father was a disgrace, a disgusting thing that shouldn't have the title of a clan leader. He was overweight, and disgusting, and all around trouble for the family and if the elders weren't in her way. He had lost must of his hair and what was left was a dull black with shades of grey mixed into it. He greased it down and over the side of his head in order to make it neat. His belly fully obstructed his lower half while his pants a size too small made the top button of his trouser pop from there hole while the top buttons of his suit had already loosened and disappeared from there own. And, It was sad to say this was his most expensive and best suit as well as the best he could look for such a serious occasion.

"With such heavy use of your powers, I will be putting you on reserve in the family." He explained before hacking into his napkin. The sight turned her stomach and for a second she thought she might lose some of her dinner. It was revolting watching him. And, It wasn't getting any better since he was already passed his required age, his body was beginning to degenerate.

She would have ended him like she ended those before but in till the elders saw her fit, she would listen to her father's orders. The sound of agreement echoed through the dining room. Her "newest" step-mother sat beside him wearing the newest of fashion and thickest of make-up. Her eyes on her husband in a source of fear and worry while her brothers and sisters all dressed in there best looked upon one another in distrust and deception. All smiled and whispered that she would need to rest and recuperate. Some had even wanted to take her place in the ruling district until she got better. She shot those who had mentioned it, a sharp look of displeasure to which they bowed there head in fear and respect. Tonight, She was feared and respected but tomorrow one would seek to push her from her seat and leave her to die. There was no love and growth only destruction in this household. It was how she was raised and how things were done. Since, The day she was born, her family fell upon one another like vultures in order to have a high standing in the house and the clan. And, She knew it would continue unless her father was gone.

She gave her father a small smile before taking a sip of her own wine. The usual sweetness dulled from the effects of the ceremony. It would be a few days but she would gain most of her sense back in some time. Soon, Her taste, touch, and hearing would return in full force. As she tried to listen to her father's babble, she felt a hand slide onto her hip and up her dress. She peered to the side to catch Tobin. His skin had gotten color back once again and she could see that he seemed fitter. She was glad he was since he was the only other ally in the clan that saw her as a better fit. So, It was understandable that she found her to be her only companion. She wouldn't be like her father who had enough wives and children who plotted behind his back. No, Tobin would be hers now and forever always. He showed her that the first day he ever fought for her and stood with her during her first ceremony. They had been just children then but he nursed her back to health after it. He hadn't left her after it, instead, he toke his place beside her and participated in the ceremony.

"Would you like to leave here?" He whispered as his hand moved higher up till it laid along her hip. She gave no reaction, only quick goodbye to her father, brothers, and her newest stepmother. She retreated to her own home, a mansion on the hill that overlooked the entrance to the cavern and valley. There she brought Tobin into her bedroom and stripped him bare. As she laid before him. She thought of her Clan, Her village and home.

A thousand years have passed since that demon was sealed in the cavern and the people of the clan have dwindled. The valley was their home but also their prison. A place where the dark magic used to entrap him, kept them bound and restricted. No one could leave and if they did they were stripped of all that kept them alive and would be made equal targets to the same evil that bound them. It was the sick price that they had to pay for keeping themselves free from his wrath. As Much as she enjoyed the pain and power she inflicted onto the Demon, She needed to think about how to fix this whole situation.

But, First, she would enjoy the night. She would make love to her man over and over then she would find a way to escape the valley and take hold of the clan.

"Kira! Kira!" Tobin groaned as she rode him. His head was thrown back as she pleasured him with every move of her hips, She drove him into passion even more. Trapped him into her possession even more. He wouldn't leave her and She wouldn't leave him. She gasped out her release grabbing on to his hair as she pulled him forward to kiss her. He never let out any pain only pleasure as he found his own release. He feels to the bed in exhaustion, his eyes only for her as she laid her head along his chest. "How much longer till you'll have to stop, Kira," Tobin asked his voice a whisper as she watched her face. She was a beauty to him and he couldn't imagine her any other way. But, He could tell that she was tired the use of the dark magic was a draining force. It drained more than the energy received and restored. He had seen women fail and die from the use of the spell and every use of it brought Kira closer to death than life.

She was silent for a moment then she turned her face towards Tobin. "When my father makes another heir. I'm the only one who could hold the spell, Tobin. In till we find another I must do it. But, Don't worry. I will fix it I promise. Now go to sleep. I have more plans for you soon, my love." Tobin pushed her hair from her face before he kissed her lips ever so softly. He had faith in her and whatever she had a plan he would follow to hell itself to complete. He would do anything for her happiness. He could do anything for her. If she wanted the world in the palm of her hands. Tobin would hand it to her in a golden ribbon. So, He saw no problem in having another round. He was entirely happy to lead his body to her in various rounds of lovemaking.

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