
Webnovel let’s me delete books now so I’m back

"So explain to me what the hell is going on."

Dumbledore sat down in his chair with a small but wry smile.

"Simple," said Arth as he pulled out a pair of glasses and put them on his face. "Voldemort was revived by Tom Riddle who escaped from the chamber of secrets after killing my beloved basilisk. They came today to initiate an induction of my skills into their frankly embarrassing legion of death eaters- by the way is it just me or is the name death eaters kinda embarrassing and stupid?"

Arth waved his hands around showing great remorse.

"Like what kinda name is death eater? What do they do eat death? Do they gather around a dining table and eat a wizard corpse? It's such a stupid name-"

"Arthur…" said Dumbledore with a slightly exasperated tone.

"Ah, my bad. Anyways, the two Voldemorts tried to get me to join their cause. I'm pretty sure one of them, the memory one, has a thing for me which is kinda unnerving while the other is something like a pedophile? I guess they both are since I'm technically underage but the other one seems to have a fixation on killing Harry or collecting his blood."

"Arthur, can we focus?"

"Ah, my bad. So where was I? Oh right. They tried to recruit me, I said no. They got angry and summoned their death eaters, I summoned my dementors and we fought. I didn't win and they kinda lost and there was a weird moment where they tried to blackmail me but that didn't go well and that's all that happened."

Arth glanced around the room and saw a bag of candy.

"Ooh! Lemon drops? Can I have some?"

Dumbledore: …