

My vision was coming back. Slowly, but surely enough. The first thing I saw was grey. I thought it was just my eyes at first, but as the haze started going away over the next grueling hours, I managed to make out the bolts within the metal sheets. The first thing I thought of was the wall. Similar design. Pretty much the same architecture. It wasn't the Hive. That much I knew.

I was lying on a bed. That was something I hadn't managed to say in the last couple of years. I think the last time I had a bed was when the Hornets raided that clinic. We spent the night and Riu let me take the bed that day. Said that I showed something of a spine that day and I needed to let it rest. I beat the shit out of that hired guard that day. Must've impressed Riu something good. Just thinking about it put a smile back on my face. But as comfortable as the bed was, I knew where I was. I knew that It wasn't the Hive. It wasn't where I was supposed to be.

I turned my head to my right, shifting my gaze to a wall just as metallic as the ceiling, housing metal scones with white candles occupying them. I tried to shift my gaze to my left, but my neck wouldn't let me, at least not without pain. Must've lied down the wrong way, bit I'd done worse. I moved my entire body in the bed to have myself facing the left wall. I saw the Fire Nation banner, and just like that, I was fully awake.

I nearly rolled off the bed just in an attempt to not face the insignia a second longer. That's when everything that had happened the night before- Was it a night before. Why does it feel so long ago? That's when more memories come back: being dragged by the legs along the grassy plains, being loaded onto a cart, and then darkness. I remembered the battle thought. That's what was important. I remembered what, or rather who, had left me like this.

I made my first attempt to sit up, but only managed to raise myself a good 2 inches or so before the pain became too much to bare and I fell back down. That's weird. I don't remember being injured in the back. Could just be after so long not using it. I promised myself to make the same attempt in another minute. I did. It didn't go much better, but this time when I fell back on the bed, a shock of pain went up my spine, sending a piercing brain straight to my forehead. I don't know If I yelled, but a few seconds later, a man in a maroon red robe as well as a woman in a lighter red outfit came bursting in. I recognized the Fire Nation attire, and figured it was soon enough to make a third attempt.

"He shouldn't be awake!" I saw the man shout to the woman as he rushed towards me, placing his hands on my chest and shoulders, keeping me down. "Bring the ginger tea." The woman left to fetch what I assume was something to dull my senses. I made my fourth attempt, this time battling the strength of the doctor. While the man didn't seem like a particularly strong type, it was enough. No amount of rolling from side to side would save me. When the Woman came rushing back inside, the fight in me came back. I pushed up one more time, surprising to doctor, sending him back away. I managed to even sit completely up on my ass before I was brought back down once again, my mouth was opened, and a warm substance went down my throat. And in a sensation just as warm as the tea, sleep took me once again.

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