
Regret, part 2

When they got back, Thea was standing outside looking grim.

"What happend?" Fay asked immediately when she saw the state Thea was in. Her head snapped up when she heard Fay's voice.

"Yuna... Yuna had a setback. Cinthea is in the bathroom trying to gain control over the tears again. I tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't have any of it." Thea looked down, not meeting their eyes.

Snow felt a pang of regret. None of this would've happend if she'd just called on her powers on time. Then Yuna would be okay, Cinthea wouldn't be such a wreck, and Snow could go back to training with her friends, just like it was before.

When Thea looked up, tears were visible in her eyes.

"Oh Thea, don't cry, everything is going to be alright." Fay said, wrapping Thea in a hug and giving her the cup of coffee that they bought for them. Fay sniffed once, before thanking her and taking a small sip.

Snow didn't know what to say, so she only excused herself and ran out of the hospital. The sun was now behind dark clouds, illuminating the way Snow feels. Dark, sad and unforgiving.

She walked the streets absently, hugging herself. Snow doesn't know how long she has been walking, it was noon when she left the hospital, but it feels like she has been outside for ages. She heard a thump next to her, but she barely even registered it until it spoke right next to her.

"What is a princess like you doing out here in a place like this?"

Snow whirled around to see where the voice came from. Then there, against the wall, stood the last person Snow wanted to see, wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans. A sliver necklace hanging from his neck.

"I could ask you the same thing." Snow said, after taking a quick look at what he meant. It seemed that Snow wandered down town. It is the part of the city where all the stories come from. Not the fairytale stories one would normaly think off, but the the stories where all the bad things happen. Snow knows better than to come here, no one in their right mind sets foot in down town.

Nate smirked, before speaking.

"I would have teased you about the fact that you're following me, but based on the state that you're in, I take it that your hospital visit didn't go so well."

Snow raised a brow at him.

"How did you know I was going to be there?" Snow asked, "I could have been at the gym."

"Right, and you would definitely go the the gym in a tank top and jeans." Nate revered to the clothes that Snow wore for the day. She looked down, and saw what he meant. She blushed, because she knew that she just said a very stupid thing.

"Oh, and lets not forget, you walked all this way, because you forgot how to get back to the palace."

"Okay, you made your point." Snow said, exhaling slowly. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I've had some business to attend to." Nate said, pushing himself from the wall.

"Out here?" Snow asked, eyeing him.

"Never judge a book by its cover, princess." Nate smiled crookedly, before coming to a stop in front of Snow.

"Will you stop doing that?" Snow said, narrowing her eyes at him. He laughed softly, a real smile playing on his lips.

"Doing what?"

"This. Whatever this is." Snow gestured around her. Her hands were still moving when, suddenly Nate caught both her hands in his.

''What are you doing?"

"You just gestured to all of me." Nate said softly, but not a complete whisper, so that only Snow can hear.

"I did not!" Snow exclaimed. A chilly breeze came up, making Snow shiver. Nate looked up at the sky, almost studying it.

"Looks like snow is coming."

Then it occured to Snow that the seasons had changed, and it is now winter.

"I can't wait." Snow said, also looking up, forgetting that Nate still has her hands in his.

"What? You like the snow?" Nate asked looking at Snow.

"Who doesn't?" Snow gave a soft smile.

"Of course you like the snow, it is your name after all." Nate muttered under his breath.

Snow rolled her eyes, but she couldn't stop the smile appearing on her face. Snow pulled her hands free from Nate's and folded her arms to try and keep them warm.

"You're an interesting guy, Nate, I'll give you that."

Nate smiled. He has a beautiful smile, Snow thought, but quickly perished the thought, before it evolved into something more.

"And you are a beautiful woman, Snow, I'll give you that."

Snow gaped at him, she could also feel a blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Smooth, Nate, real smooth."

She stepped back to put some space between them, but before she could take another step, Nate held out one of his hands.

"Come with me, your day might have been bad, but that doesn't mean that your night should be too."

Snow seemed to consider this for a moment. She would give anything just to forget for a while, even if it means spending time with Nate and she really doesn't want to go back to the palace and pick up her conversation with Noctis, where they left it off this morning.

"Okay." Snow said uncertainly, placing her hand in his, "but where are we going?"

Nate smiled, leading Snow to the nearest rooftop.

"You'll see. It's gonna be a lot of fun, don't you worry, princess."

"You always make me worry."

"Oh, so you do worry about me." Nate glanced back, smiling. He climbed onto the rooftop, then helped Snow so that she doesn't get hurt.

"Thank you, and yes, actually, I do worry about you, because you seem to get into trouble a lot."

Nate laughed again.

"Well, that's me for ya."

Snow smiled at his words, she turned to look around and saw a couple of rooftops further down infront of them. They weren't that far apart, so maybe she could make it to the next one, Snow thought to herself.

"So I take it we're not here for a picnic." Snow said, looking at Nate, who was already watching her with a smirk.

"Well no, of course not, but but we can arrange that for next time."

"Next time?" What makes you think there will be a next time?" Snow asked, one of her hands on her hips.

"I don't think. I hope." When Nate said that, hope flickered in his eyes. Snow would have missed it, if she wasn't searching his face to see if he was lying, or playing her for a fool.

"Now-" Nate clapped his hands together, "enough talking. I saw you eye these rooftops earlier, probably asking yourself if you could make the jump, so I'm asking you now, can you make the jump?" Nate spoke lowly in a low voice, making Snow laugh at his attempt on trying to be a presenter on some sort of show.

"So this is your idea of fun?"

Nate shrugged.

"It's enough to clear a head."

Snow nodded, then she turned her gaze toward the rooftop infront if her. She closed her eyes, gathered her thoughts and strength. I'm definitely going to regret this, Snow thought, and then she ran.

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