
I want...you.

Screams of hysteria, shouting, mass panic, and violence resound everywhere. Blue foam batons in the dark are used as weapons to assault nearby individuals. In the dark with only the exit lights emitting their dim red glow, a truly chaotic situation had arisen.

A moment ago, the entire concert hall filled with passionate fans were all singing along and reaching that moment of universal understanding with the accompaniment of the performance by Kana.

At present, however, a truly chaotic scene is experienced. The concert had just ended when in several areas within the crowd of guests a few individuals had crazily assaulted nearby guests. Like a wildfire, hysteria and panic immediately broke out.

Kana and the performers on stage immediately were escorted to exit. Immediately, the concert hall lights were completely turned on which luminated the entire hall.

Only a single word can be used to describe the scene present to onlookers. Chaos.

Yes, absolute chaos and madness as though the audience had gone mad.

Feng Ye , as soon as he had noticed the situation, immediately pulled Haruta and the others onto the stage and ran backstage. It was at this time, he could see the situation from a less chaotic point of view. It seems that a mob mentality formed in which massive panic had arisen due to several individuals who have suddenly started to rampage like wild dogs which bite anything which it lays its eyes on.

Panting, Chu Feng curses. "This sucks. What a trash way to end a concert. It has to be deliberate!"

Haruta nearby also shows a look of anger. "They trashed Kana's concert. F*ck!"

Yotsuba, Feng Ye, and Wu Ya nearby were surprised by Haruta's outburst. The group hasn't seen Haruta swear like this before. This must have been such an important event for him.

Akihiko pats haruta on the shoulder, "Calm down. This is obviously orchestrated. However, we don't know what their goal is. It's strange they chose now to be the time to cause this outburst and not during the performance. We should try to exit through the backdoor or VIP+ entrance to avoid this problem."

Wu Ya nods at Akihiko's analysis. "Akihiko is right. Feng Ye, good thinking on making us rush here backstage. Right now, it's a mess outside."

At this time, a few VIP+ guests had rushed to the backstage area where Feng Ye and the others were and lashed out.

"WTF dude?! What's your problem?!" Chu Feng shouts at the three VIP guests which are crazily charging at Feng Ye and others with obvious malicious intentions.

From the training before the flight to Aichi prefecture, Chu Feng had been able to gain plenty of further insight on his ability.

Chu Feng's pupils begin to rotate. The Yin Yang design spins 90 degrees and then stops. Chu Feng immediately mutters, "Yin Yang Seal."

From Feng Ye's spiritual awareness ability, Feng Ye was able to feel a heavy yin aura which appears. It can be visualized with his spiritual awareness ability as cloudy dark objects which were the same composition and feeling as the shackles Chu Feng had used on the ghost a few days earlier. What's different, however, is that shackles didn't appear as paper-talisman like objects start to get blown onto the bodies of the few VIP assaulters. As time passes, the amount of paper talismans with that dark yin aura continue to increase in number as each pastes itself on the enemies advancing. Each talisman, from Chu Feng and Feng Ye's viewpoint, became a huge resistance to the enemies. In a few seconds, perhaps, they will be unable to advance.

From Wu Ya and the other's perspective, all they saw were that the individuals charging at them suddenly seemed to be slower in approaching them. It was as though the air resistance in front of their enemies increased thirty fold.

Haruta exclaims, "Wow! Chu Feng, your ability is so fierce, I thought it was ghosts only! Even though I don't know what you did, you can even make these guys seem to hit a force of resistance.

Akihiko adjusts his glasses. "Nice, it seems that our ability can also start affect reality. Interesting."

At this time, the VIP guests that were crazily trying to assault Feng Ye's group became stationary. They couldn't advance nor retreat and seemed to be stuck in place.

Feng Ye brought the group to these several individuals.

Haruta loudly questions the forefront individual, "WTF is your problem?!"

The individual in question doesn't respond as though they were a mute.


Haruta slaps one of them in the face. "I'm asking you a question! WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"

No response. Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Haruta slaps the guy's face until both sides of their face was red with Haruta's handmark.

"That's enough Haruta." Feng Ye says as he looks at the numb braindead expressions of the others who were stationary.

"Looking at each of them closely. Don't they look braindead? Their lifeless dull eyes." Feng Ye analyzes.

Chu Feng interjects at this time, "They seemed to be controlled? Feng Ye...do you think?"

"Yeah. these guys are probably clueless." Feng Ye responds.

Akihiko nearby also agrees, "That means.. The instigator.. May very well be.."

"Yes.." Feng Yen nods solemnly.

"So, the enemy is like Chu Feng and Feng Ye… damn!" Haruta exclaims.

Wu Ya shows a very serious expression, "That means we also need to be cautious, lest we are influenced and cause any more issues."

"We are unclear of the enemy's intentions and even if there are more than one enemy. All we know is they can currently influence and make normal individuals into braindead cannon fodder. They haven't made the entire concert hall cannon fodder though, so, we know that there's a limit to how many they can influence simultaneously. Thus, if the individual is aware of them, it will probably be harder to influence that individual." Feng Ye analyzes.

Akihiko also adds his thoughts, "Feng Ye is right. However, it is still unclear what their goal is. They can either use this ability to try to get into a more advantageous position closer to their goal, or move further so they can easily escape. As the chaos is in the concert hall, their goal should be within this hall. It shouldn't be Kana, as you could see with their ability, it should be incredibly simple to get to her even before the concert. This means their goal is most likely…"

Akihiko looks carefully at the group members. "...us."

Feng Ye nods. "Akihiko has a solid analysis. If the enemy were to be closer to their goal, they may be among the VIP individuals… that's right, it wasn't just me, but that young girl who had the VIP pass wasn't on the bus with us right?"

Wu Ya shakes her head. "Unfortunately, I didn't really pay attention to the people on the VIP bus, so I'm not sure."

Chu Feng, Haruta, and Yotsuba also shake their head in disappointment.

Everyone's vision turns to Akihiko. Akihiko looks at his phone in his photo gallery. "I was bored and was sitting at the front, so I took a photo of the members on the bus behind me. From the picture, it seemed that girl wasn't part of the group."

Feng Ye nods. "Alright, so most likely, she has the most suspicion. Let's quickly move out."

Feng Ye and the others are walking off the backstage into the corridor towards the lounge while following the exit signs.

The best possible scenario in which nothing happens usually only exists in one's imagination as reality is quite brutal. After Feng Ye's group had left the backstage area, the several VIP members who are stationary awake.

"F*ck! Who slapped me silly? My face is burning!! Aaahhh!"

"Where am I? WTF am I doing here?"

"I still need to get Kana's signature!!!"

"Damn, I need to go to the washroom. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the washroom is? Been holding it in all this time..."

The several individuals immediately scattered around confused and left.

At this time, while Feng Ye's group were heading quickly following the exits, a mutation occurs.

Yotsuba who was behind Haruta suddenly tackles Haruta from behind. "AAAH!" Haruta yells as he gets tackled to the ground.

"Damn, Yotsuba is controlled!" Chu Feng shouts. He turns to Yotsuba and plans to utilize Yin Yang Seal again to restrict his movement.

"Yin Yang S-" Chu Feng immediately gets interrupted as Wu Ya suddenly throws a punch in his direction. Akihiko also throws a punch of Feng Ye.

"F*ck…" Chu Feng swears. Back to back, Feng Ye and Chu Feng are in the middle of the group of six as they face off against a controlled Wu Ya and Akihiko. Haruta has been tackled onto the floor by Yotsuba and about to be punched blue.

Feng Ye immediately uses Spiritual Awareness to attempt to disrupt the control over Yotsuba, Wu Ya, and Akihiko. It was very effective as each of them had suddenly paused with a confused look as they seemingly had been awakened. Unfortunately, the instigator didn't plan to let them off that easily as they immediately were controlled again.

Feng Ye can shock and disrupt the control, but if the instigator continues to use the ability over a long period of time, it will come to a standstill. However, Chu Feng is present luckily.

Under his breath, Feng Ye mutters, "Chu Feng. I need to concentrate, go try to utilize your seal. Careful though, the enemy should probably be nearby. I have to focus on making these three immobile at the moment as they continue to try to influence them continuously."

"Yin Yang S-" Chu Feng gets interrupted again, as he immediately felt a chill in the air and an instinct feeling that if he continued he would have died. Reflexively, he leaped back.

A set of daggers immediately are stabbed into the nearby wall that Chu Feng was just leaning on. "DAFUQ"

With cold sweat, Chu Feng looks at the directions the daggers came flying. A young girl with dark black hair approaches slowly. She is wearing a VIP badge and a simple dress.

"It's you!" Chu Feng exclaims.

Yes, the instigator had arrived. Feng Ye knits his brows. This is chaotic situation indeed. They are in a troublesome spot. As four out of the six in his friend circle hasn't awakened yet. Judging from this young girl's ability, Wu Ya, Yotsuba, Haruta, Yotsuba, and even Chu feng may be injured heavily.

"What do you want?" Feng Ye asks.

The girl's eyes suddenly become fierce as Yotsuba, Haruta, Akihiko, and Wu Ya immediately lose consciousness from the impact of the attack.

Chu Feng also could feel as though his mind was hit by a hammer, however, due to his awakening and Yin Yang eyes, his mental resilience had improved exponentially.

The young girl smiles. This smile, however, contain very evil intentions. Truly a malicious, ill intent behind that smile. "I want...you."

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