
House selection

/Luke`s Pov/

I didn't know It was possible to be even more hyped than before but a boat ride under the moonlight sure did help, Its definitively one of the most beautiful things I ever saw, and the atmosphere was perfect, and as I could see on the faces of every first year, they felt the same, even our blond guest on the boat.

As we got ashore, I helped Hermione get out of the boat, she looked happy about it, but the other girl didn't seem amused with it, in my etiquette classes I was instructed to always help girls in moments like this, so I extend my hand in help to her as well, she looked surprised, a small smile appeared on her face, and she accepted my help, the strange part was that she ignored us afterwards.

All the first years enter the castle together, we have to go up some stairs, all illuminated by some torches, on our destination we have our favorite professor so far (and the only one we met) Minerva McGonagall.

She welcomed us all, and explained that we will be sorted in one of the four houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, that's all things that I already knew but also introduced us to the house points, where basically you do good things you gain points, do bad things you lose points, simple enough.

~Toad noises~

"Trevor!" Neville shouted, and interrupted the deputy headmaster, I almost face palmed myself, after all that trouble he lost his frog again, at least he found him quickly this time, as the people chuckled, I pated his shoulder as to say it's alright. The professor ended her speech and told us to wait a bit.

"It's true then? They're saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." Said the blond guy who sneered at me at the train, everyone started to murmur, but yes it makes sense, for what I read he is on the age to start his training in magic. What surprised me wasn't that he was here, but more that he was the scrawny kid with black hair I met on the train.

They had a little stare contest, when the blond one named Draco Malfoy tried to extend friendship to Harry, if he ditched his red headed friend of the Weasley, because of difference in family power, huh I guess both worlds are similar in some aspects, but Potter refused. I see that he is loyal to his friends, he looks like a good person, and if we have the chance, maybe we can be friends. But now is not the time, McGonagall came back and the ceremony will start now.

As we entered the hall we can see the four long tables, one for each house, and another one for the teachers and the headmaster Albus Dumbledore, an old wizard, and if he is wise and powerful as his beard is long, I must say that maybe he really is the greatest wizard alive.

The ceiling is enchanted to looks like the sky, a fact I read on the train today, as I was thinking and Hermione saying that, something I didn't expect happened, ghosts came out and they seem to be arguing with each other about someone (or something) called Peeves. Their attention comes to us for a moment but is rapidly dismissed.

Professor McGonagall silently placed a stool in front of the first years. On top of the stool she put a pointed wizard's hat. The hat was patched and extremely dirty. It was not only a talking hat, but a singing hat too! Is it sentient? I swear each second in the magical world and I get more questions but never an answer.

Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment. "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," she said.

Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor, which was surprising to me; I could swear she would be at Ravenclaw, Neville too was sent to the same house, just the same with the red head, Ron Weasley. I also finally discovered the blond girl's name, Daphne Greengrass and she was sorted into Slytherin, same house as Draco Malfoy. Potter and I were the last two waiting to be sorted.


/3rd person Pov/

"Potter, Harry!" As Harry stepped forward, whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing fires all over the hall. "Potter, did she say?" The Harry Potter?" Such comments were all over the hall.

It took a bit more time than normal until we heard "-- better be GRYFFINDOR!" he was getting the loudest cheer yet.

"Pendragon, Luke." The hall became silent, the halfbloods and muggleborn were astonished they knew the importance of that name, the purebloods were confused, they could recognize the surname but weren't really sure from where. A lot of whispers started going around, sometimes you could hear someone saying prince or someone telling the name is just a coincidence. And as if nothing had happened Luke started to walk toward the hat.

His presence was regal, just his actions proving that he is really a prince, a lot of people started paying more attention to him, his features, the black and white hair, the sapphire blue eyes (here is a lame joke: He is a Blue Eyes White (Pen)Dragon.), his poise, everything about him was dignified. He bowed a little to the hat and put it.

It took him even more time than Harry Potter, but in the end the hat shouted "RAVENCLAW!" the Gryffindor table was the most disappointed table, they wanted to have both Potter and Pendragon on their table, Hermione and Neville were especially sad over this. The Hufflepuff while a bit disappointed too, didn't put too much thought into it, The Slytherin table seemed to be the most neutral about it, while some sneered of the fact he was a mudblood, a lot of people there remained silent, a certain blond girl looked distant, but one could see she as displeased with the result.

The Ravenclaw table however was very happy, all houses had someone famous except theirs, they are always looked down for being nerds and weirdoes, but now a real prince is in their house, and while not many there really cares about that, it was nice to be on the winning side at least once.

Here is one more chapter, i don`t really know the time for the next one tough, i will go out to drink with a friend today so maybe the next one will be tomorrow. I made his selection in third person because i wanted to show how the people sees him, in first person he thinks all he does is normal, when someone else see, well its different.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Hope you all enjoy o/~

Ramzawingcreators' thoughts
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