
Festival Crowds

After lunch we finally managed to head out to visit the magic association to try and find the magician. Even though my heart told me to hurry, Jennifer had told us to leave the horses since we would never be able to get through the central square to the association with them while the festival was happening.

This was the first time that I had ever seen so many people in one place. It was a bit nerve wracking, but it was exciting at the same time. There were so many things to see. Stalls were set up everywhere, selling everything from food to jewelry.

Leafia's eyes were practically glowing with all the excitement in the air. I also would have loved to look around but the thought of Faun helped keep me rooted. Emily and the others all seemed much more calm at seeing everything that was going on around us. I guess a sight like this was not as novel to them. I knew Istan had left the village before this journey, but I never thought that he would have had a chance to see an event like this.

Jennifer was right, there was no way we were going to get horses through this crowd. We would be lucky if they did not panic and start to rampage. I was not even sure how we were going to make our way through the central district to the association building. Going around was not really an option, since from what we learned the magical association's building was just a few blocks from the palace. No matter what way we went, we would have to work our way through a mob of people to get there. And if we went around it was just more likely for us to get lost. So it was much better for us just to push our way through.

Gray was in the lead since he was the biggest and people had a tendency to move out of the way for him. The further we went the more crowded the streets became. Soon the crowd was so dense that the opening Gray made would fill immediately with someone else if we did not glue ourselves together.

After struggling for an hour to travel a distance that should have taken less than half of that, we finally made it to the central square where the association was. There was only one problem. The association was on the other side of the square and this was the center of the festival. The thought of making our way through this square was daunting.

"How are we going to get through this?" Leafia asked. I could see she was already getting slightly worn out by the large crowd. Her excitement was starting to turn into tension.

"Most of the stalls seem to be on the outer edge of the square. I think our best choice would be to just try going straight through." Gray responded. Gray was taller and able to see what was happening the best. As far as us ladies went, we could hardly see anything. Part of me wanted to try spreading out my senses to 'see' what I could see. But I knew that this would be fruitless. There were almost no plants here and I would not be able to feel anything without them. Here in the crowded stone city, I was barely any different from those humans as far as my powers went.

If I really wanted to I could turn into a giant tree and see everything, but I think that option should not be used right now. I somehow think that this would draw a little too much attention to me. I did not want to start a fight like the last time I used my powers out in the open 1000 years ago. Also, I don't think I could cover the capital in vines since I only had my reserve to work with.

We started making our way through the crowd when Leafia and I got separated from the rest by a group of self important men and their guards cutting their way through the crowd. They just forced everyone out of their way, paying no attention to the people around them.

We tried to catch up to the others but were not able to find them in the crowd since our vantage point was… a little too low…. compared to these humans at least. I was satisfied with me height and had never before wished to be taller. But right now it would be useful. Even for a human woman I was not short, but Human men just seemed so much bigger than they needed to be. Elven men were not really any larger than the females. But Humans had to be different.

As we forced our way through the dense crowd, we eventually came out in a little clearing of sorts. It was an area around the central fountain. There were no stalls set up in this area and since it was still early (it seems that the main highlights of this festival are in the evening so most people do not show up until after lunch), only a few people had gathered her to eat or rest in the shade near the few trees. I was happy to see the trees, but the over-management of them by people made them rather spiritually unproductive, and the movement of so many people disturbed what little spiritual energy was here.

"Can you see the others, Leafy?" I asked as I was looking around the clearing.

"No, I can't see them at all," Leafia said sounding a little worried. That last push through the crowd and being separated from the others seemed to take the last bit of excitement out of her. Since she said that she had always been alone, I was surprised that being separated from them affected her this much.

I tried to comfort her as I said, "I guess let's just head over the the magician association. That was where we were planning to go. It is the most likely space to find them." Leafia nodded in consent to my idea and we started making our way to the far side of the clearing.

Just when we were about the reenter the forest (dense crowd of people), a group of young men called out to us.

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