
Checking in

Since we were getting closer the the capital of Yana we of course came across another small town before nightfall. But due to my hair color we chose to continue on past the village for a while. From the information Gray gathered last night, we should be arriving in the outskirts of the capital in two days. But it would take us until the day after that to reach the central area of the capital. It seemed the country had recently repaved the road for a salt mine and this would shave a day or two from our trip.

We were able to find a grove of beech trees near a small stream. The trees still had a little bit of a bronze color to them, but many of the leaves had turned to the tan shade that they would keep all winter. If we had not found this grove of trees, I might not have been able to find anything vital enough in the winter to change my hair color away from the green it was now.

That was one miscalculation I made in my plan for this trip. I forgot just how much earlier and faster fall comes away from my woods. I also did not think about the fact that I might have to travel further north, which only made matters worse.

If I could maintain this color for the next few days until we reached the capital, I should be safe. It is not common to find trees in the cities, or at least it was not when I last visited one. I really hoped that this had not changed.

This particular grove of trees had lots of dark green ivy covering the ground between the trees. I found myself wondering how Ivy was doing in her training. I really wish I could have spent more time with her to help.

The ivy covering the ground limited the places that we were able to start a fire, but we managed to find a spot. It was a small clearing in the middle of a clump of trees. I am guessing that this spot was too shaded by the surrounding trees to get enough light to support the ivy. I really did not like putting a fire this close to the trees since it would damage the branches above the fire. But the trees here were particularly tall and had already lost most of their lower branches. Also, this little tan-toned clearing was good for me because otherwise my hair might turn dark green instead of the blueish green it currently was.

Now that I think about it, the nights are also getting a lot colder. That did not affect me too much, but it would affect the others. We were currently sitting around a campfire waiting for some rabbits to cook. Gray and Leafia had managed to catch them during our breaks today. I don't know if it was out of respect for me or a lack of desire to search for more firewood, but they were keeping the fire a little smaller. The ladies had found logs to sit on, and Istan and Gray were sitting on the ground resting against the trunks of the trees that were not too far from the fire. I had to wonder if Istan was sitting on the ground since he had a propensity for falling off of logs that he was sitting on.

I thought it would be a good time for me to ask about their welfare. "It is starting to get colder at night," I started.

"Are you doing alright watching over the camp at night? Do you need to rest in your tent to stay warm?" Istan said, full of concern for how I was doing. "I could give you some of my blankets if that would help."

"I sit 'naked' in the woods all winter long. This is nothing to me. I was trying to see how you are all doing," I said in mild frustration. Leafia started to laugh.

"You don't need to worry about us. We will follow you wherever you go. I will happily face anything for you and never slow my pace," Istan said with resolve on his face.

I thought only being able to remember things for a few millennia was bad, but these guys did not seem to be capable of remembering things for even a few days. "It has not been more than two weeks since we left my woods and you already forgot how you collapsed when you were trying to follow me," I said with a sigh. "I need to know how you are doing. Unlike when we were still in my woods, I can not just leave you behind here. It will do us no good if one of us ends up ill or injured because of the cold. I need your honesty, not your pretended devotion."

It seems like my rebuke hit Istan hard because he did not spew any more nonsense about being able to face anything. Once again Leafia surprised me because instead of being offended or ashamed, she was smiling after my harsh words.

"I am not going to say that I am up to accompanying you on another stroll through the woods. I don't think I will ever be," Leafia said with a hint of self deprecation in her voice. "I am a little tired and would like a warm bed. However I think it would be best for us to continue to the capital as fast as we can. We will be staying at inns from now on, so I think just being able to take a few days' break from riding once we get there would be great." As she finished, she shifted around like her butt was uncomfortable. Riding did feel different, and their bodies were not as hardy as mine was. I could see how the saddle might be a little uncomfortable, especially if you were sitting in it all day every day. I personally did not have to worry about that. I would just change my skin to be a little harder or softer as I needed. But my companions did not have that choice.

"What do the rest of you think? Should we just press forward for the next few days until we get to the capital?" I asked while looking at Emily and Gray. I know I worded my question to all three of them, but I didn't bother to look at Istan. I knew, more or less, what his response would be even before I asked. But for some reason it did not feel right to explicitly exclude him.

"I will do whatever Forest Mother thinks is mruph--" A vine that was trying to wrap around the tree that he was leaning against all of a sudden tried to wrap around his mouth. Yes, explicitly excluding him was much better in situations like this.

It seems like everyone was getting used to Istan's punishment since they did not even react this time. Istan really was doing better, but he forgot himself whenever his emotions were running high. Regrettably, his emotions would run high every time he was trying to show his devotion to me.

"I agree with Lefia," Emily said. "I really would like a break from all this traveling. The cold is not really bothering me. But even with my over three hundred years of life, I have only ridden a horse a few times, and never for this long."

"I mostly agree but I think it would be wise to stop in a town tomorrow. If we can gain any information there we can adjust our plans, and if not we just keep heading to the capital."

Well, that worked out nicely. It seems like everyone was in agreement that we should just continue on to the capital. However, there was one thing that Leafia said that made me a little concerned. I did not feel that it would be best to address this question to the unmarried Leafia while there were males present.

"Leafy, I feel like stretching out my legs for a minute. Do you want to join me?" I said to her while standing up. "Emily you can come too," I continued, realizing that she might also suffer from a similar problem.

It seemed like Leafia either understood my point or was loyal enough that she would not question something as simple as this, because she stood up right away.

"Um, I guess I can come with you," Emily said seeming more surprised by the sudden question. She sounded a bit hesitant.

"Miss Emily can stay, I will happily accompany you," Istan said while trying to get up. However some vines tangled around his legs, keeping him from getting up. They were not that tight on his legs. But since he was not expecting the resistance, he did not apply enough strength and flopped back down to the ground.

"No. You should stay here and watch the fire with Gray," I said. One thing was for sure. Istan was not gifted at reading the mood.

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