
You'll miss your own wedding!

"Wake up my baby girl. It's your big day today! I don't really know for how long I'd been waiting to see you as a bride." Jayne could see the same tender looking grandma talking to her yet again.

Jayne woke up suddenly.  Her head began hurting. With both her hands on her head she slightly hissed in pain, "Ah! My head hurts Ronnie."

To her surprise, there was no response. She looked towards the left side of her bed. It was clean and untouched. It felt like as if Ronnie didn't sleep with her the previous night at all. She frowned.

With one of her hand on her head, she walked towards the bathroom and opened the door. But she didn't find Ronnie there too. "Where is Ronnie?" she muttered to herself.

Suddenly she remembered that since it was their wedding today, probably Ronnie was busy with the preparations. She came out of their bedroom and walked towards Ronnie's study.

Ronnie on the other side looked gloomy without getting to know what happened next. He felt totally  tired since he didn't get to sleep a wink the previous night. He massaged his temples for a while and then checked the time. It was ten minutes past six. He could hear the chirping of birds welcoming the first sun rays of the first day of the brand new year.

He suddenly realised, "It's almost time for Jayne to wake up. She'll start fretting if she won't find me in the room. I better go now else she'll come in search of me to the study. She mustn't get to see this diary at any cost! It'll only hurt her and do nothing helpful."

He hurriedly got up, took the diary and put it back into the cover and sealed it like before and kept it inside his safe, locked it and carefully kept the keys.

He came out of the study to find Jayne walking towards the study. His gaze instantly turned warm with full of love and admiration towards his woman. 'Oh thank God! Just in time!' He sighed inwardly though.

As soon as she saw Ronnie, Jayne ran towards him and hugged him tight like she'd been kept away from home all this while and she finally got back home. "Where were you all this while?" Jayne asked with a frown.

"Baby I'm so sorry. I'd something to take care of. It was an emergency. It's all done now. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here baby." He lovingly kissed on top of her head and rubbed her back.

"But then, you didn't even sleep all night Ronnie." Now Jayne lovingly caressed his face and kissed his cheeks.

Ronnie couldn't bare to see her hurt. He scooped her up in his arms without a warning. "Ah Ronnie!" she hugged his neck and buried her head in his shoulder.

Ronnie eyes were glittering with love. He walked towards their bedroom and then softly placed her on the bed and got on top of her. He pressed himself on her and began kissing her tenderly.

His kisses were more like he was soothing her soul and worshipping her body which was abused mercilessly by that sinister. He couldn't bear to think of that anymore.

Jayne could feel the emotional connect with each kiss. She asked him, "What's wrong darling? Are you alright?"

"Baby, I love you. Today being the most important day of our life, I want to promise to you that I'll stand by you no matter what. I don't care what happened to you in your past. I won't let nothing of the past, present or the future affect you in anyway. You are the strongest woman I've ever met who has battled her way against all odds. I love, adore and respect you my love. You are the best thing which happened to me. I'll make sure to make the rest of your life the best." Ronnie sincerely told Jayne all of that.

Then he pressed his lips against hers. Jayne didn't even have the time to contemplate over his sudden sweet nothings. She was blown away by the intensity of his passionate kisses. She couldn't help but smile and continue to return his kiss.

Both of them didn't realise when their love filled kisses turned into passionate ones and their hands began wandering around each other's bodies.

They stopped kissing only when they couldn't breathe any longer. Ronnie rested his head on Jayne's chest while she hugged him and kissed on top of his head. Amidst all this, all that she could manage to say was,"I love you too Ronnie."

At that instant Mrs Caroline Roy came inside the room. "Ron? Jayne? Are you guys ready?"

Ronnie jolted up from Jayne's embrace. "M-M-Mom!" he stuttered and didn't look at his mom in the eye.

Jayne immediately hid beneath the comforter. She wished she could dig a hole and bury herself in it. 'All your fault! Why didn't you sleep with me all night!' She cursed Ronnie inwardly.

Mrs Caroline Roy couldn't bear to see the scene before her. She shyly walked away. She shouted from outside the bedroom, "Please lock the door henceforth my children. And please get ready soon. Else you guys will miss your own wedding!" She said in a teasing tone with a smirk on her face.

Thanks for reading guys! ❤❤❤

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