
Normal Life / Connors' Trouble

Nightwing Base

As I entered the base, I saw Bernard waiting for me patiently in front of the computer monitors.

Bernard asked concernedly "How is your meeting with SHIELD, sir?".

Smiling at him, I said "It went well except Director Fury placing a tracker on me. Other than that, everything is fine except they will be going for a short trip since I placed the tracker on a bus".

"Will it cause any problem, sir?" Bernard looking worried.

"Harmless prank, Bernard. He should respect my privacy. By the way, I need you to do something for me in Stan Enterprise".

Taking out his tablet, Bernard said "What you need me to do, sir?".

"I need you to do several things. First I need Stan Enterprise to establish a store franchises that sell t-shirt merchandise of The Defenders' member logo. Don't worry I will get the approval from the others. You just need to get the copyright agreement paper settled" I said as I sat down in front of the computer monitor.

"Second Stan Enterprise will inform the public that they support the Defenders by using the all money proceeds from the store franchise to be donated to the Defenders to finance their crime fighting activities or for charity organization that the Defenders' want to donate" I continued.

"We can't keep robbing from criminals. It send out a bad image" I said chuckling to myself.

"Very well, sir. Anything else,sir?" Bernard replied as he start typing on his tablet.

"Hmmmm.... How is Otto Octavius and his research?" I asked.

"So far no problem, sir. Currently he is researching on other ways on how the current research can benefit the company" Bernard answered.

"Good, make sure there is no error. We don't want any mistakes. Remember safety first" I said start planning on how to deal with the upcoming Stark Expo.

As Bernard left the room, I called out to Oracle

"Oracle, I need you to search for Ulysses Klaue an international criminal. You also need to search for his ship called Churchill somewhere in Africa. Make sure no one detect you. Oh! and please try to get the initial blueprints model of the City of the Future for the Stark Expo, if possible" I said.

"Okay, Nighwing!" Oracle asked.

Grinning to myself I said "Oracle remind me to make some theme songs"

Oracle replied with a confused voice "Theme songs? What for?"

"Secret. At least it will be better compare to the Defenders' oath" I replied chuckling.


Midtown High

It has been a slow few days since my test with SHIELD. I have been spending most of my nights working on my projects or researches and training. Both of it has shown huge improvement but I will discuss about it later.

Having a girlfriend is a huge responsibility and commitment, but since I have not figured out how to tell her the truth about everything, I decide to take it one step at a time.

As i was close my locker, Felicia approach me smiling, gave me a loving hug and a peck on my lips.

"Good Morning, Harry" she said playfully

"Wow, you have made my day 1000 times better. I think I have enough energy to move a mountain" I replied jokingly.

"Nerd..." Felicia replied blushing slightly as she slap my shoulder.

"So what have I done to deserve such a warm welcome. I need to make sure to do it more often" I said as I brush her hair and cheek slightly.

"Nothing, just for keeping me happy" Felicia replied as we started attracting stares from the boys in the corridor.

My relationship with Felicia has improved significantly as we talk basically about everything a normal couple usually do as we question each other on our likes, dislikes, and dreams.

Nothing exciting happen in class except Ned's plan for us to go to the Stark Expo.

After school both of us went to a diner since she insisted that she wanted something simple. As we placed our orders, I said "To tell you the truth, I wanted to bring you to a restaurant today".

Felicia replied as she wink her eye "Don't worry about it, the location is not important but the people that we are spending our time with".

"Hard to imagine you say those words but I think I have won the jackpot" I replied as I held her hand.

Felicia smiled at my comment as we continued our conversation and at the same time flirting with each other.

Finishing our meal. As I was walking her home, police sirens can be heard in the distance as few police vehicles can be seen chasing a high speed vehicle.

Felicia sigh deeply before looking at me saying "Sorry, Harry. I just remembered I need to do something for my mother. See you tomorrow! Love you"

Felicia looked surprised realizing what she has just said.

Smiling at her, I said "Love you too, Felicia!".

"I will make it up to you! I will talk to you later. Love you, Harry" Felicia said as she kiss my lips and run away waving her hand.

10 minutes later, I smile to myself as Oracle informed me that Black Cat has stop a drunk driver from causing more danger to public safety.


Nighwing Base

"Nightwing, we completed the Defenders Jets. The only thing we need to do is the coating. What color should I paint it with?" Oracle inform.

"Good job, Oracle. Hmm.... Lets make it with a mix of dark blue and black" I said pondering.

"Alright, but I am not sure that The other Defenders will like that color" Oracle replied.

"Have you located Ulysses Klaue?" I asked.

"Not yet. I have located his ship but I am still running facial recognition to locate Ulysses" Oracle replied.

"Hmm... keep a close eye on the ship. Once he return to his ship inform me immediately" I said.

"Alright" Oracle replied.


Roxxon Industries' Secret Laboratory

Dr Curt Connor is inside the laboratory examining a blood sample with two other scientist name Dr Miles Warren and Dr. Michael Morbius. Dr Curt has a faint suspicion that his colleague Dr Miles Warren has leaked the info about his research to the people that is taking his family hostage.

Looking back at them, Dr Curt Connor asked "Where did you get this blood sample?".

Dr Michael Morbius smiled as he replied "Did you remember the monsters that fought the Defenders. Our employers has obtain few blood sample of those monsters. As for how, it is a secret".

Dr Miles explained "This sample is a something similar to one of my research with Dr. Richard Parker. The serum we were researching on was suppose to help mankind to be able to live longer. But he diverted the research so that he can impress his wife by researching for serum to help create new vaccines and cures for all types diseases".

Dr Miles continued "We could have fix the weakness of humankind with our research but he wasted all our effort and kick me out. While doing my own research I realize that by splicing the animal genetic we could help mankind reach immortality and improve the human evolution. Pity about Norman Osborn death, his research had great potential. We just need to reverse engineer this blood sample and improve on it".

Dr Curt shouted angrily "This serum will endanger mankind. It is too dangerous! Rather than fixing or helping mankind, it will totally change the human genetic makeup and become a mutant! We should destroy this!".

"You don't have a option Dr Connor, you families' life is at stake" warned Dr Morbius grin.

"Yes, with this blood sample it could also help with your genetic splicing research to help regrow your arm. You should think big picture, Dr Connor. We are helping mankind" Dr Miles said confidently.

"You monster! So it is really you! Traitor, you endangered my family for your stupid research!" Dr Connors shouted at Dr Miles.

"Stop wasting your breath Connors. We are not monsters but Messiah since we are helping to push humankind to its true potential" Dr Miles replied as he glance at Dr Connors.

"I refuse to be part of your madness" Dr Connors shouted at Dr Miles

Dr Morbius step forward saying "You don't have a choice" as he gestured towards the computer monitor that display Dr Connors' family members in a room.

Dr Connors look at the computer monitor in horror before slumping down on the floor.

"Good. Lets get to work" Dr Miles said excitedly.

Sorry for the huge delay..... was busy at work this week...my workload at work is crazyyyyyyy....... sad thing working at home too....

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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