
Upcoming Battle

Defender's Base

As all of us plan to leave the base, Spiderman started complaining "You totally forgot about me, right!" (I really did forgot about him).

"No, I didn't. Come follow me" I replied as I lead him to the laboratory as Spider looked at me with suspicion finally saying with conviction "You totally did".

Pretending that I didn't hear him I quickly pointed out to his new devices "I have made a new web shooter for you. The new features for your web shooter are electric webbing to deliver electric current to your opponents, impact webbing that release a web pellets intending to knock-back his intended target and web grenade that can tie up a large groups of enemies at the same time".

"Finally I have also make a spider drone that can be used to act as a surveillance camera and it has extra features to shot electric current to stun enemies if there is too many opponents for you to deal with" I say as i showed him how to use the devices.

Before I could explain more in detail, Spiderman quickly grabbing all the tools and run out of the room as quick as lightning shouting "Thank you so much, Nightwing. Can't wait to test out these babies. You are the best" leaving me standing alone feeling a bit unappreciated.



The call that Charles Xavier was waiting for finally came after waiting for so long. He has been waiting anxiously for Nightwing to call on the Wingwave. Charles worries is due to him not knowing whether Nightwing will be friend or enemy to mutant kind and that he don't know Nightwing's abilities so that he can place countermeasures.

"Hello, Charles Xavier here" Charles answered in a calm voice.

"Hi, Mr Xavier! Nightwing here, I have been meaning to call you back earlier but I have been busy. I am sorry about that" Nightwing greeted Charles.

Charles replied "No problem. I know being a superhero is a difficult task. So may I know the reason for you to contact me today?".

"Since you're the leading expert on mutants, I will like to make an appointment with you to find out more about my x-gene and to discuss with you regarding some of my research" Nightwing explaned.

"Sure no problem but please set a day so I can see my schedule" Charles answered as he pretend to look for something.

Nightwing ask "Will next week Friday, evening be okay for you?".

"Hmmm..... Let me see.... It should be okay" Charles acted as he was thinking very hard.

"Okay, see you next week Mr Xavier. Will contact you next week to reconfirm our appointment" Nightwing replied.

"Alright, see you next week" Charles answered feeling slightly relieved and ended the phone call.

Thinking to himself, Charles knew he have to make preparation for any unexpected circumstances and inform the students. The only problem now would be, to decide who will be here to greet Nightwing too.


Wing's Base

With the help of Oracle, I was able to do many research and complete several projects at the same time. My current research is the vial of serums and research result of the experiment obtained from Oscorp Industries. Reverse engineering the various samples to produce the best result proof to be difficult since animal DNA will effect the physical and mind of the human body followed by the high risk of negative psychological effect. So the research is still a work in progress.

We have manage to reverse engineer the miniature arc reactor and with that I have upgraded all my arsenal equipment and vehicle. Black Cat's, Ironfist's and Colleen's uniform is powered with the miniature arc reactor operate the micro servo in the uniform.

Nightcycle is powered by a miniature arc reactor with changes to the vehicle being able to change to a hover bike.

Nightmobile (previously called Wing Rider is the car) is completed and powered by 3 arc reactors. There is some minor changes to the weaponary as the two 360 degrees rotatable 12.7 mm machine gun is taken out and replaced by two 360 degrees rotatable 15mm laser cannon. I have added two large 360 degrees rotatable repulsor cannon (similar to ironman). Repulsor is a form in which a high density muon beam can be projected as a powerful blast of concussive energy called repulsor blasts. Repulsor blasts can be directed by magnets and focused by electrostatic lenses.

The Jet boot is finally complete since the power source issue has been solve with the miniature arc reactor but the fastest speed that can be achieve is only 140 km per hour (To prevent jet boot to be so bulky). Nightplane is the latest new project that we have started which is still on going.

Another project i have started is a blade that can vibrate at high speed making it able to cut any material easily like a piece of paper which is still ongoing since I am still finding a suitable material.


"Nightwing, there is a huge conflict battle outside Culver University between a huge green monster called the Hulk and the military. There are a number of videos capturing the battle that has occurred at the university ground. The military retreated and Hulk has escape with a woman called Betty Ross" Oracle informed me as she start displaying all the scenes on the monitor.

"Oracle, why you didn't inform me earlier about the situation?" I question her as I paid attention to all the monitor

"I am sorry. Nightwing. The military shutdown all cameras and there was a media blackout at that area. Don't worry, I have learn from this experience and able to set up counter measures to deal with this issues. It will never happen again" Oracle replied with conviction and determination.

"Good job Oracle. Please keep track and find Hulk, Betty and General Ross!" I said as start thinking to myself of way and methods on how to deal with Hulk.

"No problem, Nightwing. They can't escape from me this time" Oracle replied with determination to redeem herself.

Ps: Please review, write, rate or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

sorry bad mood.... girlfriend want some time to think about our relationship....damn 2019 is not a good year

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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