
"The Defender": Conclusion

Nobu attacked Daredevil using a shoge hook, slicing toward Daredevil's hand and tried to stabbing him in the side but failed due to the knife proof costume. Daredevil kicked Nobu in the stomach sending him sliding backward across the hall. However Nobu rushed back towards Daredevil continuing to fight back despite being in great pain and they continued their impressive fight while the other four Hands members attacked me together.

As I was blocking Hand(C)'s sword with the baton that I have caught on my left hand, I used my right hand baton striking Hand(C)'s head stunning him and sword hand to loosen his grip. Catching the sword I threw it towards Hand(D)'s chest that is approaching me from behind and impaling him against the wall before kicking Hand(C)'s stomach flying towards the other member of Hand(A&B).

"Is that all you guys got!" i taunted them as they end up lying sprawled on the floor with Hand(D) dead. Hearing what i said they started blending themselves into the shadow, stalking in the waiting for the chance to attack me. Walking towards Hand(D) I closed my eyes, i used all my senses and my spider sense to sense them, planning to avoid their attacks and delivering my counter attacks against all of them in one single move.

While i was waiting, Daredevil was at a disadvantage against Nobu due to Nobu's immense skill and with help of my suit he was able to last till now. Seeing that the fight is nearly coming to an end, Nobu said "Both of you are worthy opponents and warrior like instincts, you should feel honored that i am going killing you first before your friend. With both your death, i will proof my skills as a much worthy and stronger man" as Nori started preparing himself to give a fatal blow against Daredevil.

At that moment the three Hand member attacked me at same time and with me the using bare minimum to avoid all their attacks. I Immediately took the sword, spin my body, slicing all three member's neck ending their life as their dropped on the floor like flies.

Nobi seeing this said "Wait there I will be coming for you" with me ignoring him and stabbing Hand(D) body back to the wall before he fall down to the floor.

"Pay attention on your fight, Daredevil is your opponent and he will stop you" I replied with Nobu smirking before paying his attention on Daredevil.

Before Nori could kill him, Daredevil pointed his batons toward Nori and pressed the button on each baton. Suddenly two grappling hooks shoot our from the batons impaling Nobu's right and left shoulder against the wall with Daredevil picking up and throwing a sword towards Nori's heart killing him. After that, he laid down on the floor panting.

"You ok!" I asked him with him replying "Ya!'

"Good job! Stay here! I will go secure the evidence! Lets check in on the others too!".I continued

Using my communicator while walking I contacted the other "Defenders, Progress report? .

Ironfist replied "Mission is progressing well! Still busy fighting! The Russian are wasting their bullets on Luke right now!".

Spidey replied "We are in a Bruce Lee movie! Do you know you the movie Fist of Fury!So many kung fu moves!! It is awesome!! By the way how can you call us now? Do you need help?".

Hearing that i replied "We are done here! Will be secure all the evidence and location!".

"What?" everyone shouted into the communicator.

Spidey immediately said "That is fast, it is barely 8 minute since we start! Did they left the base unguarded?".

I replied "There are 72 yakuzas carrying sword and guns with 5 ninjas".

"What you have ninjas that rocks!!!" shouted Spidey.

I replied " Focus Spidey talk later!".

"Ok! tell me all about it later!" Spidey requested.

After I secured the base with Daredevil help as we returned to the hall, we realized Nobu and his Hand follower's bodies disappeared. Seeing this I realized i have to be more careful now to make sure the safety of my identity and the people around me since the Hand is involved. It confused both of us on the disappearance of the bodies but we decided to ignore it for now and discuss with the others later on that day when we meet up.


As the day ended, the police held a press conference informing the medias and the member of the public regarding the largest cracked down of criminal's activity in New York's history. The Law enforcement didn't really acknowledge or say anything about our participation (which pissed off Spidey and Jessica) but they did stated that they have created a special task force called "The Defenders". It was a great day in history as our first mission as a team. Manage to consult with the Chief of police and Captain George to keep an open mind regarding The Defender's member being part of the police consultant and perhaps provide consultation fees depending on the severity or difficulty of the task or case at hand.


It was really a good day for all of us and as we were discussing about the ninjas, Ironfist became startled started talking in a serious tone" The Hand also called Yami no te, was an ancient and powerful ninja clan with the ultimate goal to gain immortality. The Hand originated in K'un-Lun, when the five founders were banished from the city and have since lived on in the shadows for centuries, promoting their goal through wars and influence on powerful people. I have some suspicion that Madame Gao, is another branch leader of The Hand".

"My role as the Iron Fist, is that to protect the pass to K'un-Lun, but also killed them against all of their enemies without mercy or hesitation and one of the enemies includes the Hand". "As the Ironfist, it is my duty to find and destroy them, please allow me to this on my own". Ironfist concluded.

Daredevil replied "I will not interrupt in your duties but i need to follow you when you deal with The Hand, there have someone important to me in the group. I will help you find them".

Colleen remain silent during all this.

Luke said "Ok but you called me anytime if you need any help".

I said "Don't be a stranger and call me anytime".

Jessica said "Just don't get yourselves into a huge pickle ok!".

Spidey said "Just call my name and i will be there.

Hearing all this Ironfist said "Thank you my friends! It is really nice working with you all!".

Spidey replied "Right!! We should should do this more often guys!!". With all the members agreeing.

Daredevil said "Working as a team has better result compare to working alone".

Spidey teasingly said "Ooooohhh!!! You like us!!!!". We all laughed. Daredevil huffily replied "Don't push it".

Looking at all of them I said "As a team you guys will have freedom to do what ever you want but if you really face something you can't handle alone just call and if we can help out, we will come to your assistance. Do you guys agreed?". Everyone nod their head. I continued "I have a quote or an oath that can help represent us and remind us what are supposed to be or do as as a team".

"What is it!!!What is it!!" Spidey asked excitedly. With all the others looking to at me curiously.

I continued "If you want you guys can repeat what i am going to say, it helps".

Spidey said "Come on guys lets do this together!!!". Ironfist was ok with it and with pestering from Spiderman and a slight curiosity on what i am going to say they finally agreed to repeat what i say.

Smiling i continued "Repeat after me!" and laugh in my heart (Really Sorry DC!)

In brightest day, in blackest night,

No evil shall escape our sight.

Let those who worship evil's might

Beware our power--The Defender's Might!!!!!"

Ending the oath. Ironfist said "It is a good oath, It really symbolize our role of protector for the good". The others agreed except slight reluctance of acceptance from the girls which the only say "MALES!!!!"

Spiderman was so excited that he said "Look i am having goosebumps!!!! It is Awesome!!!" that really spoiled the mood. With all of us sighing and slapping our head.

Please review, write, review or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

Will try improve my writing. Please be patient...Correction will be done on later day when i am free.

Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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