
Im Crazy

Eli felt weak like her strength had been drained. Her heart was in a panic. She had never felt this way before. Where are you going? asked Reydi. but Eli was so nervous she couldnt find the words. Reydi smiled he thought her reaction was adorable. He very quickly realized she wasent used to attention she was shy and insecure but that made her all the more attractive to him. Eli finally found the courage to speak. I was going home she said. Do you live around here he asked hoping the answer was yes. No my mom does i live in Brooklyn. Ok cool he replied. Sam grabbed Ace Why dont we go hang out at our place we just moved and you could be our first guests he said as he gave Reydi a I got your back look. Reydi felt his heart leap.He would do anything to spend more time with her. Eli on the other hand was now in complete panic mode. She was not about to go to a strangers house was she? Reydi saw she was about to refuse and immediately took action. He grabbed Ace and said lets get icecream first than we can eat it upstairs. Cool yelled Ace lets go. Without a second thought Reydi grabbed Eli by the hand and started walking. She was dumbfounded by this prince who had suddenly appeared. Why was she walking with him? She felt a strange sense of comfort like she had known him her whole life. Before she knew it she was sitting in the living room of Reydi and Sams apartment with Ace next to her and an icecream cone in her hands. What was she doing? was she crazy? Sam took Ace to help clean him up leaving Reydi and Eli alone in the living room. The more Reydi looked at her the more he wanted to hold her and protect her. Eli could feel him staring and began to blush again. Their was Dj equipment in the corner of the room so in order to break the ice she asked him are you a DJ? No I'm a singer I write songs. Oh that's amazing she said. She loved writing songs but she didn't know anything about music itself so all she had were lyrics. In reality she was a Novel writer. Her stories captivated all who read them with her epic romances. It was such a coincidence.He got up and brought over a stack of papers from the table. These are some of my songs he said. even though he never let anyone see them because he was afraid they would be stolen he felt this connection with her he trusted her but why? He sat next to her and she immediately froze he was so close she couldn't breathe she must be going crazy. he smelled so good his eyes were just mesmerizing as if they could see directly to her soul. he was so handsome and she was not at his level at least that was how she saw herself . They continued to talk and Eli seemed to relax a bit. What she hadent noticed was the intense look Reydi was giving her. Where is the bathroom asked Eli. oh right through here he said ill show you. In the bathroom Eli splashed her face with cold water. I must be Crazy she thought. Why am i here? She thought ill just excuse myself and tell them i have to go. it's not that she wasn't having fun but there was something about him that also scared her.Her heart couldn't stop beating and she felt like a nervous wreck he was so handsome. She dreamed that he was her prince if even for just a moment. little did she know that when she opened that door she was never going to escape.

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