
The Events Happening Linked to the Person Currenly Sleeping

Day 5 – 2:11 PM – 4th Grade Building, Queens Row Elementary School, Queens Row Area A, Bacoor City, Cavite

Staff Sergeant Irene McCarran was currently in charge of supervising a certain area at the first floor of the building at the moment. The area consisted of three classrooms that were now filled with people. Even though it was filled with people, the atmosphere was more of a funeral.

Doctors came in and out to the classrooms while the other soldiers were maintaining the order of the people.

Inside the classrooms were the women and children that were saved from Dominador's faction. The families and relatives of the saved people were informed and were all invited here to check. Some of the people who came were happy that they finally received news about their missing relatives. However, after seeing the current state of the women and children, their happiness was doused with grief, anger and pity.

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