
Chapter 10: Exalted Eldest Madam, Smiling Devil at Cloudy Peaks

[Some Years Later]

Cloudy Peak Sect Summit After the Death of Sect Master Zhen Bao.

Fifteen-Year-Old Geng Shuren was posted before his fellow elders his eyes looked barren as he mourned for his recently deceased master.

"Geng Shuren! You are charged for the murder of Sect Master Zhen Bao and herby-"


"It seems like you are all having some fun."

Before the Elders were even able to make a move five where completely obliterated along with two peaks.

Xiuying sat on top of Geng Shuren without a care. "Gen~, You make such a fine chair when you are kneeling, ha-ha" she laughed with her sword lazed on her shoulder.

"Xiu," he said surprised before realizing she was on top of him.

"How dare you?"

"Ya, Zhen Ah, Is been ages hasn't it."

The man who is now Clan master is trembling as he recalled their last encounter.

"Sect Master Zhen Ah" the remaining elders looked at their sect master who was trembling in fear. They felt something was wrong as they finally noticed that two of their peaks were missing completely and paled.

"Exalted Immortal Xiuying, May I ask your business for being here," Zhen Ah said still trembling with a pale face.

"Oh, my friend was getting his position taken from him. So, I wondered what happened. I had no idea that your Father died. It is certainly my condolences; however, what does that have to do with Gen" she smiled started to become more and more frightening to them.

"…." Zhen Ah didn't know what to say as he stood quiet.

"Geng Shuren was charged with the murder of Sect Master-" and elder began to say but sadly his head was cut off before he could finish.

Zhen Ah and the rest of the elders where scared s***less as they watched this elders head fall and yet the women hadn't moved a single bit as she stared at the Zhen Ah, making him even more frightened.

"Gen was charged with what, Sect Master Zhen Ah."

Zhen AH wanted to cry along with the rest of the elders but, it took everything in him not to as he was the one who had to answer this monster.

"Elder Geng was falsely accused with the murder of my father." Zhen Ah

"So, he was innocent, why didn't you say that earlier. I was about to charge in like a maniac."

'You already did" Most of them screamed in their heads

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