
Mother's Day 2

"Players please take the word you have to enact," a teacher let them pick a folded paper one by one.

Sheen was hesitant at first to pick a paper.

But after seeing the anxious teacher, she just took the one that touched her fingers.

She slowly opens it.

"Storytelling," it said.

Sheen's eyes widen as her mind becomes blank.

'Storytelling? How am I supposed to do that?'

The game started and the grade 1 were the first to play.

The other players are sitting with their hands are a bit raised to be sure that they are not using their phones.

Grade 1 was not able to answer any of the player's actions.

Then grade 2, they answered 1 out of the three players.

Then grade three who didn't answer anything as well.

And then it's grade 4's turn.

The first player was from class c.

They didn't get it.

Then Class B.

The class answered it in just two actions of the representative.

Suddenly, Sheen's hand feels like it's dripping wet.

Her hands tremble.

Her heartbeats are so fast that she might have a heart attack.

"Class A!" The emcee called.

They took off Sheen's blindfold.

And the first thing she noticed was the stares of the judging mothers.

Some were still whispering.

But when she looked at Cj's teacher, her excitement suddenly made her feel at ease.

It's as if someone believes in you.

Cj then shouted, "YOU CAN DO IT!" which made Sheen feel happy.

She stands up, 'Storytelling,' she repeats to herself.

She has to let the kids see that she is telling a story.

She's good at this, she's a writer!

The first thing she did was to act how many words there are.

She pointed her index finger.

"One word!"

The kids shouted.

'Imagine,' she whispered as she closes her eyes.

The first thing that came into her mind is a book.

So she enacted that she's holding a book.


She slowly acts as if she's turning the pages.

She opens her eyes and looks at an imaginary kid who's listening to her stories with smiles and facial expression of whatever the story she's reading is about.

The hall went silent.

She thought they can't understand what she's doing so she stopped.

But as soon as she was about to do another action, someone shouted.

It was Cj.


Then the other kids and parents in their class shouted the same.

"How'd you know?" The P.E teacher asks Cj.

"Well, I saw my nanny reading stories to me when she did that. And I know you saw it too," Cj smiles.

Everyone saw themselves in Sheen's action.

It's like they went back to their childhood and saw their loved ones telling them stories as they watch Sheen act.

"Was she an actress?" Some whispers.

"CLASS A-4 enters the second round! They have another level to finish before they can be the champion of this traditional game of our dear campus! And take note, if they did, this is the first time Class A will win."

That surprised Sheen.

'Their class never won before?' She thought as the teacher smiles at her.

And when the next level started, Sheen used the same technique.

She imagines and then she tells.

"Scolding!" Class A shouted.

"Seems like Class A- 4 enters the championship. This is against Class A-4 versus Class B- 4 versus Class 6-C. Remember, this is a two-part championship. The first winner will go against the other winner."

The representative raised the hands, "But the rules will be different, the enemy class should be the one to answer the enemy's action."

Everyone then started shouting.

The old turn of events is that the child of the player who wants to win will bribe the enemy, they will give money if they will let them win.

And seems like the richest amongst the representative, Class B-4, will bribe Class A and Class 6-C.

Sheen can hear the representative of Class B-4 laugh and when she saw the representative of Class 6-C, she just sighs and said, "Class B wins, darling," she looks at Sheen.

Before Sheen can even say anything, Class C-6 already lost.

Even with Class C-6 vs. Class A-4.

Sheen won, but it's not against Class B-4.

As they play, for some reasons, Sheen kept on winning while Class B- 4 also win.

They have been playing for three rounds.

"Okay, seems like Class A- 4 can keep up, you charmed Class B-4, Miss Sheen," the emcee said.

"Last round, everyone, aside from your class should answer."

Sheen looked at the representative of Class B.

She signals someone with a nod.

It's as if she's saying, 'Just buy the whole elementary's answer.'

This made Sheen feel competitive.

'Just once again, imagine and tell,' she thought while she opens the paper.

But there's nothing on it.

No words were written on her paper.

She saw the paper of Class B and it has a word in it.

"What the..." she whispers as she crumples the paper and puts it inside her bag.

The Class B enacts and everyone answers.

"I can't believe this is how they play in front of the kids," she whispers.

It's her turn.

If she fails they will not win.

She stands up in front.

There's nothing to imagine or tell.

At first, she signals her hand for one word.

They all said 'One word.'

Then she got stuck.

She just stands there.

'How am I supposed to do this?'

She drew a line using her finger.

She heard whispers such as 'line' and 'blank'.

She points the direction where 'Blank' came from but the mother covers her child's mouth.

Cj can't think of anything.

"What's that?" He whispers.

He closed his eyes and think.

"Line? Draw?" He tried until he thought of the word 'blank.'

But the bell sounded meaning the time's up.

Sheen just sighs.

"Nice work, Mistress," the mother from Class B told Sheen as she was passing by.

"Excuse me?" Sheen stops and looks at the mother.

"Yes, Mistress?" She repeated the word.

"What do you mean mistress?" Everyone saw what is happening since the Class B representative is supposed to get the trophy.

"She's doing it again," Sheen heard the whispers while the people look at the Class B representative.

"You," she poked Sheen's shoulders, "Are having a relationship with the Star Company's President to gain your popularity again. And take note, it's a publishing company and you.. are a writer."

She looks down on Sheen.

Sheen got nervous at first, but as she hears the words, she concluded that the mother is stupid and she pities the child of the woman.

Sheen smirks.

"Oh, is your vocabulary limited to a pathetic description of words?" Sheen steps forward and threw a glare at the woman.

She tries to keep her words faint for the kids not to hear.

"I thought you were calling me a mistress because I am in a higher position than you," Sheen really thought that first when she was called a mistress.

She uses that word in her books whenever she is pertaining to a woman who is in a high position or a head of a household.

"What?" The woman was about to slap her when Sheen runs toward the Teacher.

The emcee calling the audience attention to give the price to Class B.

"Ma'am, what was that? I know something went wrong in the game, I can't believe this is a school," Sheen saw Cj and told him to go with her.

"Sheen," Cj calls out.

He was about to say what happened when the Class B representative followed them outside the hall and pulled Sheen's hair.

"Hey, social climber!" The woman called out.

"Hey!" Sheen tries to pull her hair but the woman won't let go.

Cj was too shocked to even do something.

"See this?" The woman showed her phone to Sheen.

'Author Sheen is a mistress of the Star Company's President, Mr. Clark White...' the article says.

"What?" Sheen tried to grab the phone but the woman pushes her.

"This is what happens to the women who try to fight back, you should've let me win when that paper was given to you, you should've backed out."

CJ suddenly saw his father in the hallway.

"Hey, woman!" Cj calls the class b representative.

"You're so pathetic," he smiles.

Mr. White saw what happened and he already read the article.

"What?" The woman was about to slap Cj when Sheen kicked her leg, making her scream in pain.

"Don't hit a kid!" Sheen stands up kicked the other leg of the woman.

"I'll let this pass because there are kids around," she had the threatening glare and tone.

"Remember, I'm a mistress, and pathetic people like you deserve to be--" someone covered her mouth and when she turned to see, it was Mr. White.

"Bad words are prohibited," He said as he lets go of Sheen.

Cj was just swaying his body with a wide smile.

'You're dead, Dadd's here,' Cj thought as he closes the door of the hall since people are starting to see what was happening.

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