
Star Grade Magical Weapons (3)

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Linghe was on the verge of saying something, but Yichen's presence prevented him from doing so. He could only use his expression to convey the complex emotions he was feeling.

The offer of the Sacred Dragon Shield, combined with Lei Qin's previous speech, ensured there were no further bids. Lei Qin raised her chin and surveyed her surroundings with elegant indifference. She was just waiting for the auctioneer to bring down the gavel three times.


Ji Fengyan eyed the Tree of Flowing Bloodshed on the auction table that was suffused with a rich spiritual energy. She narrowed her eyes and suddenly stood up. In response to Linghe's surprised look, she merely said, "I'll be right back."

When she finished, she disappeared without waiting for Linghe to respond.

Linghe widened his eyes and his heart pounded. An ominous foreboding rose in his heart.

The auctioneer saw that no one else was bidding and brought the gavel down once.

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