
Mine Is Bigger!

After her work, she entered the first internet cafe that she saw infront of the restaurant.

She chooses the farthest cubicle near the wall. She already paid the first hour of her internet usage.

Catherine sat down in front of the computer, she has no idea what to do with it. She just moved the mouse, here and there, nothing happens.

Back home, there is a couple of pisonet in their village where you can surf the net by inserting few coins on the slot for a few minutes, yet she was not even tempted to learn how to use it. Besides every single centavo matters to her so no time for pisonet. Their school in the village doesn't even have a single computer, to begin with.

Frustrated, she stood up and went to the attendant table near the entrance. The attendant seems kind and friendly.

"Miss, can you assist me, please? I don't know how to use the computer," she whispered into the girl's ears, feeling embarrassed.

The attendant smiled at her and stood up from her chair.

She sauntered back to her cubicle followed by the attendant, the attendant showed her how to surf and browse the web.

"If you want to listen to music videos, click Youtube. If you want to browse the net, you need a browser first, you can choose Chrome, Opera or Mozilla, just click one of them. Just type anything you want and click the site that appears below the search function, the site will open. It's easy as 123, as you keep doing it on a frequent basis, you will get better with it in time."

Catherine smiled at the attendant. "Thank you very much for your help!"

"No need to thank me, it's my job to assist you as our valued customer. Call me anytime you need my help, okay?" The attendant smiled at her and goes back to her table.

Catherine followed each instruction and she was ecstatic to know and discover that it's as easy as navigating her iPhone. This is easy and fun! she told herself.

She listened and watched music videos, browse and watched baking and cake recipes and also watched makeup tutorial in youtube.

She was having so much fun!

She looked at the woman beside her. She took a peek of what she was currently doing.

"What are you doing, Miss?"

"Chatting with random men...you know foreigners online," the woman replied briefly without looking at her.

'Ah, I see... Can you teach me?" she asked out of curiosity.

The woman smiled at her. "No problem. Do you have an email address? I can help you register in dating sites that I am a member of...," the woman suggested.

"No. I don't have an email address yet."

"No problem. There are several cool chatrooms online that doesn't require registering and you can chat with random strangers online. You want to try it?"

Catherine nodded her head. "Yes. I like to try one."

The woman gets up from her chair leaned a bit to navigate on Catherine's computer and typed a site on the chrome browser and then click the chat site link.

"If you want a video cam and voice chat, you can click the icon here. If you just want text chat then click this icon here. Go ahead try it."

Catherine followed everything the friendly woman instructed her with. It's easy! She got it right at first try. "Thank you very much," she smiled at the woman.

"Don't mention it. Enjoy!" the woman goes back to her own chatting.

Catherine activated both her video cam and voice chat. The videos of different chatters in the room slowly streamed up for her to see. Some videos were of men and women facing their cameras, some were nude from waist up, men mostly. Then some videos show some men's genitalia...lol, she blushed.

The camera was centered on her face and was being shown to other chatters on the room.

The woman on the cubicle beside her took a peek of what Catherine was doing.

"You have many interested chatters that want to chat with you dear, you see that window over there? About twenty men you just ignored and yet they were waiting for your attention if you want to chat with any of them just double click their username and you can start conversing with them in private."

Catherine smiled at the woman. "Thank you for your help."

The woman smiled back at her.

Catherine isn't interested in chatting with anyone in the room, but she finds it entertaining to watch different videos of the chatters, it feels liberating and totally a new level of experience for her.

Her mobile ringtone interrupted her video watching. She fished it out from her shoulder bag. She grimaced when she saw who was calling her.

"Hey, John..."

"Catherine, have you eaten your dinner?"

"Yes. I have eaten my dinner in the restaurant before I went out."

"Where are you now? Home?"

"Nope. I'm at the internet cafe."

"What are you doing in the internet cafe?"

"Learning how to use and browse the internet in the computer."

"Oh, okay. What site are you browsing now?"

"I listened and watch music videos in youtube, browse baking recipes and makeup tutorials."


"I entered a chatroom site," she said.


"Chatroom site," she repeated again.

"Oh my God, Catherine! Get out of that room right now! Closed that chatroom site right now!" he barked at her.

"Huh? Why? I'm enjoying watching their videos," she said.

"How many men you are chatting with?" he groaned.

"None so far. Am not chatting with anyone."

"Catherine, capture a video of that site right now using your iPhone! And send it to me, right now!"

Catherine rolled her eyes, but she followed his order nonetheless. After taking a short video of the computer screen, she sent it to John.

"Jesus Christ Catherine! You're watching men masturbating! Close that site now! And go home!"

She heard John swearing profanities. Her brows furrowed. She watched at her computer screen and she blushed from head to toe.

"OMG! He got a big and long d*ck!" she wailed.

Prompting raised eyebrows and a look of amusement from other users nearby.

The woman beside her glanced at her computer screen. "He got big d*ck indeed! Holy cow!" the woman exclaimed.

Both the woman and Catherine giggled.

John heard it all. He was getting angrier with each passing seconds that Catherine was ignoring him.

Catherine continues giggling along with the woman, amusement in their faces.

"Catherine, what are you laughing at in there? Are you still watching that guy masturbating? Come on, my d*ck is bigger than that and you know it!"

Catherine laughed louder upon hearing him bragging.

On the other hand, John can't believe what he just said on the phone. He totally loses his control. He can't believe that she was chatting with a random stranger on the net.

"Lol, relax John. I already close the site for your happiness and satisfaction," she grinned.

"Let me see the screen? Took a video again and send it to me!" he ordered.

Catherine rolled her eyes. Took a video of the empty computer screen and send it to John.

The woman beside her asks a question. "Is that your boyfriend you are talking to?"

Catherine answered. "Yes. He is a bit demanding and possessive but I love him just the same," she said.

"Awww, sweet!" the woman replied and go back to her chatmate.

Wow! John heard it all. Did Catherine just say he was her boyfriend to that woman?

He felt happiness and pride suddenly surged through his heart. F*ck! He was elated! He was literally grinning from ear to ear.

Catherine was silent for a moment. What did she just said to the woman---? It was just spur of the moment reply...where those words came from? As if a stranger posses her mouth and speak nonsense on her behalf.

Did John hear it?

"Did you hear it?" she asked John.

"Yeah. I'm still here and am so happy right now. My heart is jumping for joy upon hearing you acknowledge me as your boyfriend and you love me."

Catherine bit her lip and close her eyes for a moment. OMG! What she had just done? Did she just gave John a wrong signal or is it what she really felt inside?

"I'm going home now, John," she said in a mellow voice bothered by the words she just said to the woman.

"Okay. That's good. You take care of yourself on your way home. Text me when you're home. I love you," he said softly.

She was hesitating what to reply. Does she have the cruel heart to burst his bubble right now? He sounds so happy, for some reason she doesn't have the strength to kill that happiness right now.

"I love you, John," she said softly. A tear fell from her eye. She felt a pain squeezing around her heart. This is all strange!

It's wrong to fall in love with your r-apist! her good conscience starts attacking her again.

She clicks the end call right away.

John heard her reply before the line went dead and that is all that really matters, his happiness knows no bound. He kissed Catherine's photo in his mobile phone, afterward he placed his cell phone in the bedside table and close his eyes dreaming of her beautiful face.

Here's the second chapter for the day. Just testing if I can keep up releasing two chapter a day or I will drop dead with nose bleed, hahaha. Two chapters a day is pretty hard, but doable. I will stop if I can no longer keep up,lol. Enjoy reading! Take care all. Thanks for the votes, comments and reviews! Take care all.

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