
Another shady man

Terrick let out a sad sigh as he slumped down in the chair, the night had long passed and the sultry noon sun streamed through the gated windows of his resident brig.

Before him stood the three men who had captured him the previous night, one had a suave look on his face as he held a recently eaten from plate, another looked at him with piercing blue eyes and a nonchalant and carefree smile on his face. The final man looked at him with an innocent glance as he licked his greasy fingers, having been held responsible by the other two for hogging the contents of the afore mentioned plate all by himself.

"So, tell me again, why did you attempt to sneak into our ship last night?" Lore said as he exhaled in a bored voice. "I already told you I am the one put in charge of the visitors screening process!" Terrick replied in a tired voice, hoping that his captors would be foolish enough to believe him.

Fawkes snorted, making his disbelief known as he exhaled before shrugging and walking out of the somewhat damp room. Sorren followed behind him, shuffling his feet as he did. "Captain, now that it is daytime why don't we go explore the town?" he said as he ascended the flight of stairs leading to the prow of the ship.

"Well then, what do we do with you..?" Lore contemplated loudly. A frigid chill went down Terrick's spine as he paled, 'Ugh, this monster is going to torture me again..' he moaned in his head as he attempted to brace for the eventual arrival of the horror.


The man we had captured was yet to open his mouth and I was getting more impatient by the moment. A part of me wanted to stab him with a needle until he finally confessed, the only thing holding me back was the conversation I had had with Sorren the previous night.

A dull sigh escaped from my mouth as I walked up to the captive, "My patience is wearing thin, asshole! Either tell us the truth or I swear to god I will sink you!" I threatened, all the while paying close attention to the expression on the man's face, hoping and praying for a tiny crack on his grim façade to tell me that my act had worked.

Sadly I was disappointed as the only response I got for my effort was a tiny wince followed by an expression that seemed to say: 'You do You!' 'You do you, your mother!' I roared silently in my head, slowly my head stooped as I gave up.

"I'll deal with you later!" I growled as I called in the rest of the crew ( not that I had a pretty big or complete one…)"Help me strip the guy! We'll use his clothes to tie him up!" I said as I got to work. Fawkes gave me a bemused look as he attempted to stifle his laughter.

"Damn it Fawkes don't laugh, help me!!" I roared as an invisible tick appeared on my forehead exactly over the pulsing vein that had popped up as evidence to my anger.

"Shameless asshole..." I muttered darkly as I pulled off the guys pants before promptly tearing them apart to tie his hands behind his back. His shirt was twisted into a makeshift rope that was used to tie him to the window and the door. His face mask, underwear and shoes were left as is while to rest of his clothes were brutally vandalized and put to good use.

"If anyone gets on the ship, they'll probably think that this is a sex circus.." Fawkes commented dryly, "if ever such a thing happens, Sorren is the captain and we are all poor exploited sailors, ok?" I asked giving Fawkes a conspiratory look.

Fawkes gave me a thumbs up before hunching over and laughing, probably imagining the scenario. "Hey, what is a sex circus..?" an innocent voice sounded immediately causing three men to break out into sweat...…


The winds whistled as we walked into the grey island, houses dotted the landscape haphazardly bringing with it a unique disorderly air to the already bleak atmosphere. Long chimneys stood smoking into the cloudless sky, forming a smoky haze to the cheerless town.

Though the streets did have people walking around, all of them walked hurriedly as if afraid that too much time spent on the streets would greatly harm their chances of survival, conversation was almost muted, even in the already open taverns as people stooped low discussing their day in a low voice.

"Ugh, it isn't any better during the day.." Fawkes muttered, his opinion seconded by the rapid bobbing of Sorren's head. "I don't like this place at all captain" Sorren moaned, for once forgetting to fill his mouth with some article of food.

"No doubt there is that" I nodded surely as we walked towards the town square. A gleaming fountain stood at the centre of the square, though no water seemed to flow in the stone sculpted basin.

"You aren't from around here are ya?" a gruff voice said from behind us, "the place has been like this for a long time, dreary as a winter wind, I am surprised people even come here anymore" the man muttered.

All signs about him showed him to be a beggar, tattered clothes, an un-kept beard and a black eye. He sported a sad grin on his face as he regarded us, "Why are you even here, brats? I can't imagine what would drive you to stop at this trash dump.." he continued as he led us to a vacant seat.

"supplies mainly" I answered cautiously, "After here we have a long stretch of ocean to cover so we wanted to make sure we had enough food for the trip" I finished as he chuckled, "So you lads are sailing on the sea, the sea is a dangerous place you know.." he said ominously before rising from the seat. "it's dangerous brats, dangerous I tell you…"

here is today's chappy!!

These guys are shady magnets, arent they?

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts
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