
Not Worth The Trade

This battle was a very important one for every party involved. The Yellow Wang and Sun Alliance elders had spent quite a few of their resources into this joint campaign. Baron's group was very likely to wiped off the map if they could not manage to repel the 4 armies led by Wang Yi, Li Mu, Bai Qi and the Sun elders. The Meng duo had devised a plan to use nearly everything in their power to repel this attack.

For the first week or so, the armies sent to intercept the attacking armies were on par with each other, but that was where the even playing field ended. Baron's few defending forces had nowhere near the amount of experience that their opponents had. Who could blame them? Few of these strategists have a specialization in aerial warfare, but their experience in other departments made them a difficult opponent to deal with, not to mention all the money that they had inevitably spent on acquiring blueprints that few others could match.

Slowly but surely, every single one of the attacking forces managed to get ever so closer to the main base. This was to be expected after all, none of them dared to underestimate the monsters that they had been pitted against. So, that's where they switched up the plan. Instead of Chen Di, their best strategist, doing battle with Li Mu, he would instead be pitted up against the few elders of the Sun Alliance along with Meng Tian, and Yue Fei.

In their absence, there would be a couple of other strategists to take their place and they were instructed that to take the least amount of losses was their goal. Even though these reinforcements may not be on the same level as their teammates, they weren't so completely incompetent as to fall into any major traps, and so they were able to stall the enemy while not having to worry about winning.

Now that three of their best was aiming for one of the main offensives, that army had been able to be miraculously crippled with the surprise leadership of Chen Di and Meng Tian. This was because the previous strategists that they had gone up against were pretty good, but nowhere near as skillful as these two. This was more or less part of their plan, have the enemy strategists believe that they had been granted easy foes, but in time reinforcements of their most skilled strategists would swoop in and masterfully trick the opponent into thinking they had won.

This battle was considered to have been an extremely lucky one for Baron's group, after all, now that they had exposed one of their ace moves, the other armies would be ever so careful that they would not fall for this same tactic. Unfortunately, Bai Qi had already guessed as to what their plans were when he realized that the amount of opposition that he faced was noticeably weaker. He took a huge chunk of his army and made his way to one of the neighboring battles, the one where Meng Yi was left to deal with Li Mu. The human butcher used his small detachment to surprise attack the head hq where Meng Yi was and managed to capture him and a few of the other strategists.

On their way back to their battlefields, Meng Tian, Chen Di, and Yue Fei was told of what had happened to Meng Yi.

(MT) "What? Meng Yi has been captured by Bai Qi you say?" Meng Tian was looking like a feral beast at this point.

(YF) "You should calm down first, Meng Tian. What has happened has already happened, though if I am to be perfectly honest, I don't think we can count on Meng Yi's help for the remainder of this tournament. You know how his moniker is the human butcher, he is a rotten being to the very core. It is unlikely that Bai Qi would let an enemy general live after he is captured." Yue Fei said with a sigh.

(MT) "Indeed, though we have effectively routed one of the enemy's offensives, we have lost one of our best strategists in the trade, not worth the trade. Though this gives me an idea, if we managed to capture one of their important generals, we might be able to trade them in for my brother." Meng Tian said.

(YF) "That is all well and good, but who should we target? I don't think this plan is realistic."

(CH) "No wait, this might work if the person is important enough. I can think of only one candidate that we can use this tactic on. Wang Yi." Chen DI said.

(MT) "Wang Yi? This is not a great idea, you don't know this but us and him have a neutral relationship as of right now, but if we were to do anything like humiliate him, he would bring down no mercy upon us when the faction selection tournament is underway. He is our main foe for that tournament and we would prefer it if he doesn't have a reason to hate us even more."

(CD) "Is that so? Well then I don't think there is anyone else that would fit the description. Eumenes of Greece is important, but not enough so that the Yellow Wang group would be willing to trade in one of our best. It is unlikely that we will be able to capture either Li Mu or Bai Qi since we can't beat them head on. I suppose the best way to go about this is to just give up on…" Chen Di said just as he was interrupted by Baron's radio call.

(BM) "Have you guys heard of Meng Yi's predicament?" Baron asked.

(MT) "Yes, we are trying to think of a way that we can save him. Have you got an idea? Or did you call because you have made some headway into defeating Wang Yi's army."

(BM) "I have an idea on how to go about this matter, but it's by far one heck of a risky plan. This involves the Bair fighters, and whole lot of luck."

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