
Chapter 38

After hearing Hei's words, Wu Dong immediately drew his Mountain Splitting Sword.

He wasted no words as he immediately used his strongest attack, Mountain Splitting.

As his sword moved through the air, it let out a loud screech, as if it would sever anything that stood in its way. And as it hit Hei, a cloud of dust was kicked up.

It obstructed the vision of the audience who were shocked at its power, but they soon saw a familiar scene.

The dust started to swirl around, becoming a tornado, before it was blown away, revealing Wu Dong and Hei, who were standing face to face.

Wu Dong had a sword in his hands, and Hei had a sword resting on his shoulder. It hadn't even damaged his robe.

Hei casually raised his arm to take the sword, and to Wu Dong's horror, he found that he was unable to move a muscle.

This was the result of Bai's Marionet ability, which allowed her to hijack the circulation paths of those weaker than her, leaving their bodies totally under her control.

Having taken a look at the sword, Hei was less than impressed.

He turned over to the matriarch.

"This is the thing that caused all the trouble?"

The matriarch nodded in response.

After seeing Hei's expression, she was wondering whether it was worth all of the sacrifice in trying to obtain the Mountain Splitting Sword Saint's inheritance. Why did it look like a useless chunk of metal when Hei held it?

Hei turned back to the sword in his hand.

"The Mountain Splitting Sword, was it? Could you even split bread with this thing?"

After he said those words, Hei heard Shao Chen's voice.

"Hahaha. Nice one Little Hei! Now you're sounding like part of the family."

Hei decided to ignore his grandfather's praise. He was concerned that he was becoming too much like those two crazy bakers.

He poured his Qi into the sword, causing it to give off a bright and dazzling radiance, before throwing it high into the sky, where it exploded, creating a beautiful scene of dancing colours.

This was an application of Bai's Territory.

After the sword exploded, Wu Dong grunted in anger, but he was unable to speak, due to Bai's control.

Hei turned to look at him and spoke coldly.


It wasn't Wu Dong's own will, but Bai's control that made him obey Hei's words. But to the audience, he looked like a man overwhelmed by guilt, ready to receive his punishment.

Hei looked down to Wu Dong who was kneeling before him.

'It's time.'

All of Hei's planning hinged on this moment.

He placed his hands behind his back as he closed his eyes and raised his head to the sky.

To everyone in the audience, he seemed to be making a difficult decision. Even his own siblings didn't quite know what he was doing.

"Ah. I just remembered something. A while back, there was news of someone being born with a unique physique in the Wu Clan."

"I heard that too. Innate something or another. It was supposed to be a trash child of the patriarch, who had dark skin."

"You don't mean…"

"Mm. It seems Sage Hei might be that very same child."

"So he is raising his hand against his own father. I can understand the internal conflict."

"Mm. I don't know if I could do it."

While the audience was discussing, Hei was speaking in his mind.

"Heavens, you have given me a mission. Now give me the means to complete it."

He needed a way to take back that which was stolen, and he was fairly confident that it would be useful right now.

And the heavens didn't disappoint.

In response to Hei's thoughts, the entire sky dimmed down, causing the atmosphere to become gloomy. Then, the ground started to shake and rainclouds started to form above the venue. Soon after that, rain began to fall.

But interestingly, the rain only seemed to fall on Hei, who could hear a booming voice coming from the sky.


A technique was transmitted into Hei's mind, causing him to feel pain. And in response, he raised his hand to cover his face.

That was the truth of the matter, but the audience saw a very different image.

That was especially true for the matriarch and Mei.

With his sadness, the world dimmed. With his internal conflict, the world shook. To hide his sorrowful tears, he summoned the rain. And to protect his fragile heart, he hid his face from the world.

Oblivious to the misunderstandings that were taking place, Hei was focusing on the technique, and after a short while, he knew how to use it.

With the transfer complete, the rain stopped falling, and the ground stopped shaking. The rainclouds started to slowly dissipate.

Hei dropped his hand back to his side before turning to Bai with a conflicted expression.

"Your brother is going to be cruel this time."


Bai nodded her head, and seeing this, Hei turned back to Wu Dong.

As he looked down at the man who was kneeling with fear in his eyes, he spoke coldly.

"You are unworthy."

This was a strange requirement of the Heavenly Revocation ability. He had to declare that the target was unworthy.

As he said those words, his hand started to glow white with swirling colours, one for each element.

It then became ethereal, and he thrust it into Wu Dong's chest, right where his heart was.

The audience gasped in surprise.

After having grasped Wu Dong's heart, Hei slowly pulled his hand back out.

As he did, the audience could hear loud snapping and tearing sounds, which left them stunned into silence.

As Hei's hand exited his chest, Wu Dong's face turned pale and his eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground, motionless.

There was a long silence before a young lady screamed.

"Ah! H-h-he pulled out his heart!"


The audience was horrified. They never expected to witness something so grisly at the 5-sect summit.

"Wait! There's no blood."

"You're right."

"So what did he do then? What were those sounds?"

The audience was unable to see what was in Hei's hand, but Hei and Tianlan could see it clearly.

What Hei had taken from Wu Dong, was not his heart, but instead, it was his spirit roots, the source of his cultivation and pride.

'Hm. Maybe we can use this thing for experiments.'

He popped the spirit roots into his storage space, through his sleeve.

He then turned to Bai.

"Let him go."

Bai nodded her head and disengaged her Marionet ability, allowing Wu Dong to regain control of his body.

Hei then squatted down next to Wu Dong's head and slapped him twice while speaking.

"Wake up Scumbag. It's not over yet."

Due to Hei's slaps, Wu Dong regained consciousness.

He soon realised that he had lost all of his power and was like a regular person again.

"You! What did you-"

His words were cut off by Tianlan, who stomped his head into the ground.

Now that Tianlan was a little older, Hei had told him what Wu Dong had done to their mother, so Tianlan was very enthusiastic.

Hei was a little concerned, but he let it go. Tianlan had been wanting to free his mother for a long time.

Hei spoke:

"No one said you could speak."

He stood up from his squatting position and used his chains to create a giant chain sword, tip pointed to the ground, directly above Wu Dong.

After the sword was formed, he used Tianlan's Sonic Qi and the Fang Clan's Inferno Sword for some extra impact.

Some of the juniors wanted to ask, 'What happened to being low key?'. But they knew that now wasn't the time.

The chain sword was now wrapped in bright crimson flames that shot up into the sky and released tremendous heat.

Even the rainclouds that were still slowly dissipating were forced to leave, causing the scene to brighten once more.

Wu Dong was the one who could feel the heat the most, as Hei had shielded the audience from it.

Hei then created a path of chains leading to Xiulan's seat.

She was casually munching on some bread as if none of this was a concern to her.

After creating the path, Hei looked back to Wu Dong, who was now on all fours after Tianlan had broken his legs from the knees down.

He spoke coldly.

"Your life is now hanging by a thread. I believe you know the method through which you can save it."

Wu Dong looked into Hei's cold and emotionless eyes that held no compassion in the slightest. He understood that being Hei's father was of no significance whatsoever.

He clenched his fists and teeth as he turned to Xiulan.

"X-Xiulan I-"

His words were cut off by a kick to the abdomen.

Tianlan was the one who launched the kick as he spoke:

"Who is Xiulan?"

Wu Dong coughed due to the pain, but he knew that no one would give him sympathy, so he turned back to Xiulan.

"Miss Matriarch. P-please, forgive me. I-"

This time his words were cut off by Shao Chen.

"After what you've done? In your dreams! If we weren't on the eastern continent, I would have already ground you into dust long ago."

Shao Chen had a deep hatred for Wu Dong, but since he had sealed his cultivation, he was unable to do anything about it. Being unable to protect his daughter was the biggest regret of his life.

Now that her children were able to seek justice for her, it wouldn't end so easily.

He wanted to continue, but he was stopped by his daughter.

"Little Xiulan…"

"Don't worry about it, Father."


These were the same words she had said before she was taken to the Wu Clan to become Wu Dong's fourth wife.

Xiulan then turned to Hei with a warm smile as she spoke.

"I told you that this wasn't necessary, Little Hei."

Hei retracted his chain sword and also smiled.

"And I told you that I would have him crawling beneath your feet, begging for forgiveness."

This warm moment between a mother and her son was interrupted by the grumbling of a grandfather.

"That's it? Back in my day, he would have died three times already."

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