
Lord Rannoc

As they moved to leave, Arran cast a final look at the body of the Knight who had come so close to killing them.

"Shouldn't you take his weapon?" he asked, a frown crossing his face when he realized that Kaleesh hadn't touched the Living Shadow dagger.

Kaleesh shook his head. "Rannoc wouldn't let me keep it. Weapons like those are reserved for Knights and Lords." He raised an eyebrow, then glanced at Arran's sword. "Or so I believed. But either way, Rannoc will want that weapon, so we cannot take it."

"Shame," Arran said as they started toward the gate. "You might have had some use for it."

Kaleesh grinned broadly in response. "They'll give me one when I become a Knight." He cast a sideways glance at Arran, then added, "Though I suppose you'll have two of them."

"That's not how they work," Arran replied.

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