
A Bit of Understanding

Laz didn't know exactly when he started having fun, but that was what happened. It was kind of strange and liberating in a way, being somewhat naked in the cold air and running through the woods. He felt like nothing else mattered but running. And chasing Kat who seemed to be having the time of her life.

The difficult part about it was the trails were a bit run down, but they were far from clear. So besides just trying to follow Kat as fast as he was able, Laz also had to do his best to clear obstacles like fallen trees and large rocks. In fact, Laz almost felt like they were there on purpose.

Kat seemed almost like a phantom as she ran. At some points Laz would lose sight of her completely, sometimes only hearing a gentle laughter that seemed to mock him. At other times, Laz might catch a quick glimpse of her, but that was about it. While his foot steps seemed to echo throughout the trees, Kat was as silent as a ghost.

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