
9 years passed

Emperor: Get poison right now! Demote Li-Ban to the captain of the thousandth. The rank of general to select. House, servants, Li-Bana pass to his father. Sim command, send into exile Li-Ban for 10 years!

He allowed the loss of an important artifact! For this, he was worthy of the death penalty! But, his merits in exploring new ways are invaluable, therefore we, by the highest degree, have mercy on him.

However, for a committed state error, he needs to be punished!

Nevertheless, although this is a link, it is an honorable link! The Li-Bang family does not oppress! But at the same time, it is forbidden for all family members to pass state exams for 10 years or hold public office. You can only engage in agriculture, trade, and cultivation!

Big people gasped. Those who wanted to connect their daughters and sons with the Li family immediately recalled the matchmakers. Stopped visiting them. Seeing someone from the Li family, at first, the young gentlemen from large families began to bully them. But they thus violated the imperial order! They were all sent by peasants to settlements for 20 years! Deprived of title, title, expelled from the aristocracy.

After that, the attacks on the Lee family stopped. But the fathers of the families whose offspring were punished harbored revenge and one night agreed to burn the estate of the Li family and kill all the household members.

However, they did not know that Sir Pei had agreed with the emperor, the family was guarded by the "Secret Police Night Guard."

All troublemakers were exterminated, large families "Frightened" on this revenge and ended. Especially after the night-watch came to each patriarch of the clans at night. What they talked about remained a mystery, but many patriarchs sat for one night. Revenge is gone.

The head of Lee's family, grandfather of Li-Bang, decided to move to the family district of the Li family just in case. All were there, they did not like strangers. Yes, and the emperor would have less headache with their family! The emperor today remembered the great merit of their Li-Ban, and tomorrow he could forget about it, and after tomorrow he could count it a headache. And he did not like it when something hurts him ...

... The emperor appreciated their wisdom, so he ordered the secret guard to closely monitor the Lee family, what if they decide to start a riot ?!

Intrigue, conspiracy, in those days was commonplace in the Tang empire.


Dara, meanwhile, led a successful business with two empires, enriched herself, filled chests with gold and silver coins. He made hiding places in different places. His confidant became Daresh, a cunning and sneaky thief, which was a very good acquisition of Dara. He collected all the gossip and rumors. He recognized and stole documents from the caches of influential people in the kingdom of Tsao and merchants.

9 years have passed.

Dara equipped a large caravan, it consisted of nomads of the Naiman tribe, the largest kind of brave warriors. All of them were armed with excellent steel weapons and light but sturdy calculators. Each had three small horses. They walked slower than Ferghana horses. But they were more resilient and could no longer eat, drink, they could make big transitions. Warriors jumped from one horse to another, so this saved time. While one horse drove the rider, the other two rested.

Warriors were armed with swords of 8 palms (about 160-165 cm long), daggers in three palms. Round shit. Light bow, quiver with 50 arrows. The tips of which had a different shape. Some were long-range and flew 800 steps, others could penetrate chain mail and leather armor from 300 steps right through. Spear. As well as a manual crossbow for hunting small animals and birds. There were 30 balls in the gunshot, they fired 100 steps.

He also equipped 50 horses with bales. But Dara sent them not to Gaochan or Chanan. And in the inconspicuous desert, where there was no good water, there were no people, there were no animals, the desert ... only occasionally came across reptiles and locusts.


The transition was short-lived, the robbers saw the Nomads, went away, they carried the trade flag of the guild of "black shield and two swords." In the desert, everyone knew about this guild. The headquarters was in Keder. The guild was distinguished by the fact that you could get any guilty person, sooner or later. No one could escape the revenge of this guild. Her fame boomed from Rome to Chenyang, from the Boss Empire to the Kingdom of Ryukyu.


Before the eyes of Dara, a vast desert opened. Takla-Makan, Lake Lob-Nor, and the fortress rose above the edge of a small oasis.

Against the background of yellow, almost lemon-colored dunes, brown walls with 8 observation towers towered. Which crowned the bronze roofs. There were 20 archers on each watchtower and a large bell was hung.

Seeing the merchant flag, warriors were wary, lowered their heavy bows. Wooden doors studded with bronze leaves with spikes, slowly boiled.

Towards Dara, the commandant of the fortress came out. In this tanned, tired face, with a scar near his right eye, a veteran, this could be understood from his eyes, he hardly recognized that young general! The name of which was Li-Ban!

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