
Zhang Tech

As Yue Ling heads back to De L'amour after parting ways with her grandfather and brother in another part of Imperial, a black Maserati Quattroporte stops in front of an old building.

Although it looked like it could fall apart at a touch, it was still in business.

Inside the car, Xu Long sat in the driver's seat with a contemplated expression. He would stare at the terrifying building and wonder if they had come to the right place.

"Um… boss, maybe we got the address wrong."

If he saw this place even from a distance, he would think it was filled with wandering ghosts ready to strike at any moment.

Lu Tian ignored his assistant's behavior and opened the passenger seat door. He steps out and casually walks to the front entrance.

He knew from a glance that the exterior of the building was only a trick to fool the eyes.

However, unlike him, Xu Long was still inside the car debating whether he should get out or not.

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