

For some reason Damon felt uneasy and clasped his hands together with Alena while Alena just glared at him and then continued gazing at the lovely couple. The couple came down and greeted their parents then they stopped in the middle and exchanged rings. Alena unknowingly smiled at them and clapped along with the crowds, Damon paused while seeing her beautiful face, she looked exceptional when she smiled. Damon couldn't help but curved his eyes because this beautiful woman was his wife and he was her husband. Before he could think mother, someone interrupted him and he looked forward to see his cousin with her fiance. She spoke "Hello brother", Damon nodded at her congratulated both of them and then looked at his wife who was already looking at him and then he spoke "Dear, this is my sister Gabby and her fiance Trevon". Alena congratulated them and Gabby spoke "Thank you so much sister-in-law for coming. I thought brother would always hide you from the outside world but i am glad i could see you now".

Alena smiled at her and spoke "Don't worry sis Gabby we will able to see each other often from now on". Gabby replied charmingly and dragged them to sit with her, they ate and chatted happily. Seeing Alena happily talking to his cousin, Damon was pleased and occasionally spoke with Trevon. Alena was happy because she had not talked to anyone this freely for so long and was happy to find that Gabby was a nice person. They instantly clicked and became friends.

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