
Second Agenda

"Do you know why some people weren't able to move on even if years had already past? It was because they never allowed themselves to heal. They kept it all inside, hoping that one day they will wake up and everything will be ok, that they don't feel their heart hurt anymore. For some, they weren't able to move on because they kept lying to themselves and hoped that one day that person will go back to them. You know, false hope"

"I don't want that to happen to you. Moving on was never an overnight process. To be honest it was very hard. Like every wound, it would hurt at first since it is still fresh but just let it have the time to heal itself. The blood will dry, it will scab over then it will feel itchy. The skin will repair itself until the scab is gone. Of course there will be a scar left behind but give it time then the scar on the skin will lighten until there were no signs that you got wounded and had a scar in the first place"

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