
Special Privileges

"#10: What are some things everyone should try at least once?" asked King. Listening intently in her answer.

"I've always wanted to travel the world. We only live once, so I wanted to see everything before you-know-what happens" answered Violet honestly with a smile.

"I see. The let's do that someday. We can always runaway from here and I'll leave the company to Alfred to manage hahaha" said King jokingly while noting it down in himself.

"Oh Poor Alfred. He's left here while the two of us play hooky in an international level haha" giggled Violet.

After their whole rounds of questions, they didn't noticed how time went by and now they're at their destination. The whole place was very beautiful and quiet. Unlike the usual mall where it was crowded, this place was a whole lot more comfortable and spacious.

King drove towards the parking lot. He parked the car, put up the roof and headed to Violet's side to help her out.

"Ladies first" said King as he held out his hand to her.

"Thank you Cutiepie Hahaha" Violet accepted his assistance and stepped out of the car.

"You're welcome Cupcake Hahaha" King retorted.

The mall covered a huge expanse of land. Rather than the usual mall that expand upwards, this whole place expanded outward and was like a campus of stores in a park. The place was open-air, scenic landscapes, numerous trees and flowers adorning the place, art pieces placed here and there. A beautiful man-made lake with a bridge in the middle connecting the two plots of the mall. Inside it were romantic paddle boats and lively Koi Fishes dancing and swarming in the direction where the few children above the bridge threw the fish feeds. Some couples were already paddling together.

"Here, let me hold your hand. There's too many people here. You might get lost and separated from me" said King shamelessly and held her hand, not forgetting to interlace their fingers.

"...." Violet was speechless at first but still said something.

"If you want to hold my hand that badly, just say so. That excuse of yours really sucks. It's Monday and its 2pm in the afternoon right now. As far as I could see, the people here doesn't even exceed 30. Who on their right mind, except for us, would go malling in a Weekday Workday?" Violet rolled her eyes at him but didn't took back her hand and just let him hold it.

"Well this is the most crowded I've seen in this place" said King.

"Why though? Have you never shopped at a crowded mall? Wait let me rephrase that, at a normal mall?" asked Violet curiously.

"Never. Usually I would shop here alone"

"Why? Even at weekend?"

"Yes, even in weekend. They open the place up for me before operating hours"

"Eh?? They give out special privileges like that to spendthrift-kind-of-rich like you?" asked Violet. Her curiosity got piqued by what he said.

"Nope" King shook his head sideways.

"Eh? Then you're close with the owner?"

"Of course not"

"Then what is it?" nagged Violet.

"I own the whole place, how could I be close to myself. Idiot V" said King as he pinched her cheeks.

"....." Violet.

Thank you for reading :D

Here's part 2 of Saturday's Double Release Weekend!!!

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