
Fierceness of the tiger clan

Meanwhile in the tiger clans territory, the tigers split up into small groups of two.

Coming from a small populated clan, the tiger clan did not possess the resources and numbers that could compare to the wolf clan plus their younger generation were just newborns besides the leaders children.

They had their elder who had enough strength to deter any threats and their own individual strengths were at an acceptable level.

One tiger alone could take down multiple enemies of the same cultivation before dying, even inflict injuries in their last moments if the enemy was not careful.

One group encountered a pack of wolves, it was precisely the leader and his mate of the tiger clan who met with a group of wolves.

The pack was formed by the 5th rank wolf followed by a 3rd rank and three 2nd rank wolves.

Following behind the three 2nd rank wolves felt a little intimidated as they gazed upon the leader and his mate.

The leader was at 5th rank and his mate was at 4th rank, they both stood close together prepared to kill as many wolves as possible before their deaths.

Their clan was about to disappear from the world but they still held their own pride and resolute attitude even in the face of death.

They would rather die than be humiliated, if anyone wishes to do so then those who did would have to pay a price for their actions.

Even the leader of the wolf pack was shocked as he gazed at the pair of lovers however he quickly changed his attitude after analysing the situation.

He looked mockingly at the pair as he lowered his body into a battle stance ready to charge at the couple. "Go, tear them to shreds."

The pair of tigers took a battle stance as they faced towards different directions watching each others backs.

The wolves began to circle the couple and wait for an opening to attack.

One of the weaker wolves was too eager and pounced towards the female tiger.

This followed with a clash between the female tiger and the weaker wolf which turned out to be a one sided fight.

The wolf was slower and weaker than her, as his claws approached her body she swiftly responded with a swipe of her own claws.

As they clashed the wolf felt he was losing in the first exchange so planned to retreat as viciousness was shown on his face.

Just as he planned to retreat another strike came from her as her other claw descended onto the side of his body leaving a large wound and sending him flying backwards.

Responding to the foolish decision of their companion, the pack was indifferent towards his mistake.

In fact they took pleasure in the fact that he had been so foolish to be the first to attack and let them take advantage of the openings he had created.

This was the difference in the two clans, the tiger clan fight alone or in groups and when they fight together they watch their partners backs to ensure their survival while the wolf clan are ruthless towards their enemies and own clansmen.

The tiger clan achieve victory through teamwork while the wolf clan uses dirty and ruthless methods to survive.

The group of wolves grew bloodthirsty as they charged towards the couple, the 5th rank wolf took the chance to hold off the male tiger as the other wolves targeted the weaker female tiger.

The group of wolves pounced from different directions after the weaker wolf was hit by the female tiger, as she did not have enough time to respond they quickly arrived before her.

As she tried to take back her front paws to the ground the 3rd rank wolf had already pounced onto her neck and sunk his teeth into her flesh holding on as long as he could.

Her body lost balance as she was hit by the attack, followed by the weaker wolves attacking her legs biting into them.

She had been wounded on her neck but the teeth marks were not deep enough to be fatal, the wolf was still holding onto her neck within his mouth as he swiped his claws at her body leaving behind more wounds.

The other wolves used their time to injure her other legs leaving her completely helpless and losing strength to stay standing.

The male tiger grew enraged as he gazed behind him, the wolf he was fighting was unwavering as he continued to attack without regard for his safety to delay him.

Every injury the wolf was given he would do his best to leave an injury on the male tiger as he held him off keeping him from protecting his mate.

The female tiger lay on the ground in a defensive stance, anyone that came close she would ignore her injuries and grab one of the wolves to keep them from fighting her lover.

She shook her body until the stronger wolf let go of her neck, blood came from the wounds on her neck and legs.

Before the pack could release her legs and get away she used the rest of her strength on her legs to move the 2nd rank wolf closer towards her mouth as it bit onto her front leg.

The wolf was pulled closer it grew frightened as it tried to release its teeth from the tigers leg but it was already too late.

The female tiger grabbed ahold of the wolf between her jaws and held on tightly sinking her teeth deeper into the wolfs body.

After a second passed sounds of bones being broken came from the wolfs body as blood poured from his body which was being crushed in her jaws, the scene looked extremely brutal and terrifying to the wolves who watched on in horror.

Fortunately they got away in time or it would have been them that had died so horribly, even the 5th rank wolf who fought the male tiger grew more cautious as he witnessed this scene.

He looked upon the situation and saw the female tiger could no longer move but was still dangerous if approached so ordered. "Everyone help me take down this one here! The other cannot help him now so leave them for now and focus on taking this one down with me!"

He backed off and regrouped the the remaining wolves left alive.

The pack had now lost one life and one of the weaker wolves had been dealt a heavy blow injuring them enough to affect their fighting capabilities.

The enemy had the weakest of the pair injured heavily and unable to assist her partner, all that remained was to take down the leader with their remaining numbers.

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