
Another visit to bar

Selina Johnson | Barry Jefferson | The Bar | 18:20

-I'm sorry Sel, this is only gonna get worse,- Jerry said to me while filling up my glass for the second time.

-Yeah I can't tell a difference; these kids here always seem to be driven by hormonal desires. Clubbing like this day and night, well except from the times when they are engaged in their high profile social-services.

-You know..it may not sound very true but...to tell the truth we tend to get some real customers...rarely,- Jerry continued to mix and pour drinks for the customers in front of him. It was relaxing watching him work.





-Ugh! Fuck it!- Those tiring conversations I had with Shen earlier was not getting off my head. My unstable state of mind couldn't care less at that point.

-Hey Sel?


-Are you alright?

-Yeah. I am alright enough.

-In that case, I think I have got some info that might help you with your case.

-Great work Robin!

-Coming right up!,- The bar was getting overwhelmed as the time passed. Jerry was right about things.

His flow of work was really something I could watch for hours.


-Sorry about that; it's just like I said earlier.

-No worries...I am surprised...that you can hear me.

-Anyway, no more alcohol for you. This is the last one,- He was being subtle and limited with his words around me as it was supposed to be.

-No! Do that again!- Then again since when have I ever been a ninja? Specially these drinks were never supportive of me being nice and tranquil.

-Excuse me Miss?- He replied in his 'professional' voice.

-Do that, that flip thing! With bottles and..

-...As you wish,- Jerry performed the trick twice, probably to shut me up. But that only made me wanna see more.

-Now, now the fire trick! That would be awesome.

-I am very sorry but the station today is not suited for..

-..Noo! I want the fire trick Jerry! You have to do it...you have to..

-I am telling you Miss, wait! No stop that! Stop swinging the bottles, hey? Selina? Oh god..


-Alright, I will take care of her. Hey Kyle, take care of the station.





01:27 | 21/B


-Finally wake?

-One-day I'll be the reason for you being fired.

-Here, have some coffee.


-...We've been getting a lot pressure after the wreckage. Jane is being considerate lately. Probably meeting you helped her grow.

-...She looks so happy while sleeping.

-Actually she was so eager to play with you but...you were pretty out.

-I have to make up for it.

-Hmm. Hope she can stay this happy forever.

-...Yeah...let's talk tomorrow.

-Are you sure?

-Sorry for the trouble at the bar Jerry.

-You know I've been meaning to ask, why is your hair down like this?

-Never mind that, how's Layla doing now?

Thanks for reading.

Ray160397creators' thoughts
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