
Sneaking a conversation with the slave girl

"(Ok, I have a plan, I'll be right back.)"

I left a whisper to Daami and made my way over to the slave girl line up at the store.

I come up to her side with my back facing the direction of that pig Noble and quickly get her attention.

"(Don't move young lady, it's ok, stay calm, I'm here to help.)"

Looks like I have her attention with my whispers.

"(My friend is from the same race as you and she was very troubled and sad seeing you in this state so we decided to help. If you understand, slightly pull my robe once for yes and twice for no.)"

I felt a single slight tug.

"(Ok, we don't have much time as the line is moving up, it's up to you if you want to trust us, but we really want to help, look I also have this.)"

I show her the medallion from God, seems like she recognises it as her eyes open wide when I pulled it out.

"(We will help you and your fellow slaves to be released, in two days time, simply help us in to the mansion at midnight, can you do that?)"

I felt a single tug on my robe, this time a bit stronger, felt like she has a bit of determination.

"(Good, now keep acting normal, don't worry, we will definitely rescue you and the other slaves, I promise.)"

I left her side stealthily, it looks like Bellado didn't notice as he is playing with the female slave next to him, fondling her breasts.


I make my way back to my seat at the restaurant.

"(So how did it go?)"

"(I have a plan, I will explain to you soon, let's go find a inn to stay at for the few days we will be here.)"

"(I see, so we will be here a few days huh.)"

Daami starts smiling, she really wants to help doesn't she.


"Why did you take so long!"


After bring back food from the stall, Bellado takes the bag from the slave girl and hit her with a backhand before the girl collapses from the impact.

"Tsk, worthless slave. Let's go!"

"Yes sir!"

"Right away sir! Get out of the way! Make way for Sir Bellado!"

The group takes off leaving the girl to get up on her feet by herself.

As she gets back up and chases after Bellado's convoy, she spots us.

I give her a wink and put my finger on my lips vertically to form a hush gesture.

The slave girl quitely nods and scrambles after the cart.


"Welcome to Sunflower Inn, how can we help?"

A plump middle aged lady dressed in an apron with her hair in a bun welcomes us behind the counter, she has that motherly feel about her that makes you relaxed.

"Ah yes, we would like to rent a room for 4 nights for the time being."

"Certainly, will that be a single room with twin beds or perhaps you and your lady friend might want a single double bed instead?"

Quit teasing us lady! Ah, Daami is blushing.

"O-oh n-no, just a twin beds please, we are just friends."

"I understand, sorry for jumping to conclusions, but you two would make a cute couple."

With a smirk the Inn's receptionist turns to retrieve the room keys.

Great, how do I even react to that? Daami is still blushing from her comments...

I fully know that it's just a marketing stunt but even I can't help but feel my face warming up as well.

Of course I'd blush! I-I'm a man after all!

"Sorry for the wait, here are your keys, it is room 202, that is on the second floor and the second room from the entrance. It will be 1 gold a night, and an additional 10 silver for breakfast and lunch inclusion. We also have a small restaurant open next door serving lunch and dinner."

"Th-thank you. We will take the additional breakfast and lunch package as well."

I handed over 4 gold and 40 silver, quickly retrieved the room key and we headed upstairs to the room.


First I checked around the room, everything seems simple, of course comparing to knowledge I have of inns and hotels from the otherworld. The room is furnished with two wooden single beds with white sheeting, a single desk sits at the corner by a single window with one chair. A dresser in between the beds and a small dresser at the end against the wall. Although simple, everything was very clean and tidy.

After the closing the window, shutting the door and making sure no one is outside or in the near surroundings of our room, I quitely discuss my plan I had come up with to Daami.

"Ok, so listen Daami, the plan is…"

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