
Chapter 5 State of hyperactivity

August house is out of the vicinity of the Happy town. It is deep in the forest and is at quite a distance from the town. It seems like the old man seem to like the silence and calm here instead of the hustle and bustle of the town.

The former Elite four August is in his eighties. Even though he is much healthy than most people his age, he is still old.

Although the age hasn't affected his sharp mind much now, August seem to have lost much if his physical strength. He is walking very slowly now.

Alex has even opted to help him so they can reach his house faster, but the older man directly refused any help or support provides to him by the younger generation.

He isn't willing to lower his pride and let some young trainers who are much much weaker than him, help him in anything.

After walking fog about an hour, Bill has started to breathe a little heavily while the others aren't as much affected as him, but their mentality is tired with how slow August walks.

While they were bored, Alex seem to use this time to ask the older experienced trainer about different flying types.

He asked,"August, what part do you think I should focus on with my pidgeot ? His talons cannot always be useful."

August didn't turn around and said, "Pidgeot are birds of prey, Alex. Their beak and claws are for hunting not those chicken scratches most trainers use these parts for.

Samuel sent me some battle video of yours. I am happy to see you didn't try to subdue their instincts and nature. This is something most trainers ignore thinking the way they battle is the best.

They forget pokemons even before being tamed by humans can fight. They have been doing do for millennials. Their blood has more fighting instinct then most people can think about.

A trainer who subdue their primal instinct is crippling them in a battle. A Pokemon no matter how small, young or weak is a killer, nothing in the world can change that.

As for your question, you can focus on his tail. With that you can change the direction of his flight in the battle at the most unexpected time and make sure that they hit the target.

Next thing is speed. The faster they are the more deadly they are in combat.

And lastly making sure their attacks are trained deligently. While the thing you do with your pokemons by training them in elemental attacks may seem rewarding now, but later it will affect the growth.

These basic moves are the ones which will help you become stronger than your current path could lead you to." August said while telling him his views about where he can invest his next training in.

" How strong will Alex be in the future then?" Julius asked the old man.

" Alex can be the strongest of the elite Four if he doesn't change his ways now. Or he didn't make any changes in his training after he reaches the bottleneck and arrogantly try to breakthrough.

Having confidence in one self is good, but forgetting the basics and directly heading for advance level will do him more harm then good." He warned them.

" You may have seen it in some of your pokemons didn't you? The negative effect of the elemental training when they are still too young." August asked or more like told Alex.

While others were quiet thinking what he meant, Alex was in deep thought. After some thoughts, he replied," I thought it was related to their physical strength. Since they were weak physically they might not be able to fight with their elemental powers without completely exhausting themselves."

August stopped walking at looks at Alex and then shook his head, " It seems you are really as good as those rumours about you if not more so."

" What do you mean?" Aurea asked interrupting their discussion.

" I thought he may not have noticed the problem in the favour of new powerful strength but it seems he did notice.

But what you said is only half of the problem. The second thing is their evolution. The reason pokemons evolve is not only to grow stronger but also to make their body adapt to their elemental powers which they slowly come in contact with."

His words made the group a bit confused so he decided to elaborate.

" Pokemon who are in their initial form are too weak in body to withhold the raw power of the elements.

With their intermediate form they gain the ability to withstand that strength. It is also on this stage that their body can be said to be most active.

I think as Samuel's assistant you may know what this stage is called."

August questions Alex wanting to know in how much depth he knows about pokemons. For only those who are immersed in it's study can know this.

" You are talking about the state of hyperactivity. The stage when the cells of the Pokemon are in state of vigorous division and growth. They are said to be rich in energy.

Some Pokemons like vigroth because of this have changes in their species behaviour turning to hyperactive state in contrast to the normal lazy form of slakoth and slaking.

While the bugs like Metapod and kakuna along with Pupitar are using this vigourous state to transform their body.

They are in the shells because of the changes happening in them is much greater and deeper as compared to other pokemons in their intermediate form.

Is this state of hyperactivity have any relation with the Pokemon and elemental powers?" Alex explains while asks the older man.

August eyes sparkled brightly when he listened to Alex. Most of the people can only say what the state is but he explained with examples showing that he understand it well.

Aurea is someone who has interests in Pokemon studies and also on scientific details of Pokemon so her eyes reveal clarity about what he is talking about while others are very confused.

" Alex just what is this state of hyper... Uhhh something you talk just now?" Bill asked completely clueless about what he just said.

Both August and Alex seem to ignore the group and started to discuss among themselves.

The two continues to use the terms like transmutation, evolve, hyperactivity, energy richness in cell and other things which went tangent to the group.

" You really are something else Alex. I thought about letting you stay here for sometime until you can learn how to raise a Togepi properly like I did with a friend's granddaughter but it seems I won't be needing to do that.

You know with the in-depth knowledge you have regarding Pokemon cell biology you can become an independent professor." August praised alex whole the group seem to understand yet again how wide the gap between them and Alex is.

" Of course, I wish to be a Professor. I have too much hypothesis to confi m and prove. To many things to find and discover for me, to just sit at a place and administer something or someone." Alex said without any hesistation.

Alex's friends were surprised to discover that Alex has no ambition for elite four or champion position but wish to be a field professor to find and discover new things about Pokemons.

August just stood there looking at the confident visage of Alex seem to be reminded of something.

He mumbles," That Samuel, he can train champion level students yet not one of his students wish to be bound by that position. He really is a virus infecting the minds of young trainers." But what August doesn't know is that this young man in front if him was the sole reason Samuel chose to retire from champion post as soon as he gained it.

" We should get going, we are near."

After that the group walks towards the house in silence completely surprised by Alex's declaration while Alex is in deep thoughts about his recent discussion with August.

After another ten minutes walk, the group can across very tall trees on top of which were multiple tree houses were built.

They walks through these tree house clusters to the one which was the grandest tree house and below that tree August said," Welcome to my humble Adobe. "

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