
chapter 34- Changes through evolution

Nidorino is a light purple, quadruped Pokémon. It has several darker purple spots across its body. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, narrow black eyes, and a long snout with two pointed teeth protruding from the upper jaw. It has a ridge of toxic spines on its back, and a long pointed horn on its forehead. The horn is harder than a diamond and capable of secreting poison on impact. Its short legs have three claws on each foot.

They are generally around 1 meter tall weighing around 20 kilograms.

But his nidorino had a different appearance. Because of the intake of Earth gem along with poison vine from Nidoking and nidoqueen graveyard, the darker purple spots now had brown spots while their ears to have some brown spots on it's edges.

Their legs have brown tattoo type brown marking from the Earth Gem.

He was now nearly 2 meters tall from its legs to back and probably weigh around 35 kilograms.

With some spikes on it's back Alex can now travel on it's back while holding these spikes to balance himself.

But before traveling he may have to train his poison control again. These spikes are the main sources of poison output from the body.

And now after evolution, he could see some poison drops around the spikes head. They were in a much deeper color as compared to before.

When a drop fell on the floor, the shiny white luster on the floor faded and a dull white with a hint of the purple spot was left on the ground.

It seemed that now his poison could even affect the metallic nature as luster is a property of metal. Over time he may even corrode metals too.

Now the sweet nidoran has begun to show signs of the scary temperament their evolved forms were known for.

They are easily angered species along with their evolved counterpart Nidoking and so many strive to remain out of their path.

Alex has enough scary encounters by now and he wouldn't be intimated by a pokemon on the basis of its scary appearance.

He looked straight at his eyes to show his partner that he wasn't scared of him.

Many times when the kinder pokemon evolve into the more intimidating and easily angered counterparts, their trainers began to change their behavior pertaining them.

This is very harmful in the long run and it must be shown that their behavior towards them haven't changed but you still have to respect the pokemon's power.

Of course, this is all his views pertaining to changing the relationship between pokemon and trainer when pokemon evolve and their behavior changes.

So Alex looked at him like he looked at nidoran but with a hint of respect for nidorino for its newfound power.

Alex maintained eye to eye contact with nidorino. Nidorino was irritated a bit with the changes with his body and felt a little uncomfortable.

He continued growling but Alex wasn't afraid. He believed that ivysaur, azuril and poliwag would help him if that need arrives.

Alex ignored his warning growls and placed his hands at the base of his horn. He then rubbed it softly to calm him down. He used aura to enhance the effect.

After some moments, nidorino calmed down and started to lean on his touch. Then Alex jokingly told him," Now you are so irritated with this evolution, but later when you evolve into Nidoking, you will be able to walk on two legs instead of four.

At that time, you would have to learn to walk and you stumbling around learning to walk would be very fun. Espeon and Haunter wouldn't let you live through with that. "

Hearing this azuril, poliwag and ivysaur laughed around happily but nidorino didn't appreciate it and he pushed Alex down on the ground with its front legs and placed on his chest.

Alex has fallen back and couldn't raise himself due to nidorino standing over him.

This became comical for the pokemon and they all laughed at Alex now. He treated pokemon as his family and the more time they spend with Alex the closer they become with them.

Nidorino was one of his earliest pokemon and would often prank him. So they were close as Alex often got together with Haunter and nidoran to prank others while secretly guiding them.

It was all for the fun so you can say nidorino is close to Alex and now that nidorino started to joke with Alex he felt there won't be any problem in the future.

" Now now nidorino calm down. You still have to learn to control your motor nerves with ivysaur. You are going to have a big battle soon so be prepared." Alex told him.

Hearing this nidorino agreed to let him stand but before that he licked Alex face and then joined ivysaur on control.

Alex then told azuril and poliwag," your powers will increase exponentially on evolving especially because you use this gem. So sync with it and gain benefits for yourselves and then use evolutionary Power to make your body stronger so you can use more power later.

I will leave to look at other documents of the corps and prepare myself. You all get going and if your energy went out of control you can ask claydol. He can help you with it."

Alex then seated himself on his chair and looked over the files Jean left for him to look over. It comprises of names of the troops, what brigade or battalion they belong to in the 65th infantry corp as well as what pokemon they used.

While looking at them, he also shows what moves their pokemon know. He was looking at them and see whether there are some pokemon whom he could teach gravity if they know any magnetic skill.

While Alex was looking through them an an hour has passed. He looked up from the documents which have given him a headache while constantly looking over them.

Alex through his aura vision looked at azurill and poliwag, their body now brimmed with water Energy and they may evolve soon.

He looked at Ivysaur and nidorino whose power increased by at least ten times and their energy flow is much more vigorous than before.

A knock brought him out of thoughts of his Pokemon's and what they are capable of now.

" Enter"

The door opened and Jean entered the room. She looked at Alex first and then at the new Pokemon who were around Alex. As a grass Pokemon user, she can detect that ivysaur was much more powerful than any of her pokemon and this reaffirmed that he was eligible to be their boss.

" Sir, the troops have been gathered around. They are waiting for you in the field and await your presence. " She told him.

" Is that so? Very well. Claydol you stay here and help poliwag and azurill control your power. Ivysaur and nidorino follow be there. I think I will have Slowking follow me too. He will be able to calm the crowd in case they try to act out of hand."

He then released Slowking and asked him to follow himself.

Jean looked at another pokemon of Alex and found that she could not see what level of strength he had. It increased the mystery of her boss.

" Jean show me the way," Alex said and then

followed behind her with nidorino, ivysaur and Slowking on his back.

Alex will be face to face with thousands of troops for the first time. How will the encounter go? Stay tuned

To be continued

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Behind the warrant officer are the sergeants. There are a total of one thousand six hundred (1600) sergeants lined in forty (40) rows to forty (40) columns and behind them are corporals lined in forty (40) rows and one hundred and twenty (120) columns amounts to a total of four thousand eight hundred(4800).

And finally are the troopers or privates.

Darthnorthercreators' thoughts
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