
chapter 29: Reality of the world

" I will tell him. If you want to make some changes then do it. If things go south or trouble occurs in other parts of the military, we will take care of things from here.

If your new experiment could bring good results then it is even better. Next time, you won't have to worry about military binding you to do their dealings.

The military is only strong for common people. For others, they are just gatekeepers who are at the lookout for the pokemon attacks in the peripheral areas of the Pokemon League.

They are the sacrificial pawns placed at the borders areas. they will use their life to buy time and the true core of the league would make sure that the territory of the humans isn't reduced.

People below the elite four level cares about their opinions, others just ignore them and they can't do anything about it. " Blue said

When he mentioned Gengar, Alex has turned off the speaker mode and they talked softly among themselves with claydol erecting a soundproofing barrier to prevent unwanted people from hearing them. It was an extra precaution.

" Ok then. Thank you for your help. " Alex said while he was thinking about switching off the call but remembered something else he wanted to ask him," Wait, there is another thing I need to know."

" You have many questions today, Alex, "Blue said with humor.

" If you were in my place, what would you do. Since I was a kid, I heard about how brave and majestic the army of Kanto was to protect the people from pokemon tide without caring about their own life.

And how powerful they were. But recently, I have come to know that even their most powerful general isn't up to par with even one elite four members and most of them are just sacrificial pieces.

So my views have undergone great changes today. I thought elite four may order them but not completely subdue the military and make them do their dealings. I thought that the military would get some concessions from the top." He expressed his thoughts.

" This is the real world, Alex. You will find many shocking things in your journey. What ordinary people think and know about, and what is the true reality is two completely different concepts.

Many times, for the sake of people support, the truth is distorted to a more believable and humane truth.

You only know that people die under Pokemon attacks and the fight during the tide.

Some leaders themselves kill people under them, there are cases when some humans forsake their humanity and become beasts. all these things are hidden to prevent the chaos which might spread if it is revealed to the world.

But some details are not mentioned anywhere. The true wildness of pokemon is revealed in the Tide. They will maim you. Cut off your arms or legs. Cut through your stomach and pull out your intestine.

When Tide happens, many incomplete half eaten body are found on which pokemon feed. Their eyes gouged out, tongue sticking out, jaws and windpipe missing.

If half of the real truth comes in front of the people then they would parade around to isolate Pokemon and even start hunting them.

They will even forget that it is because of their help that we can even survive and are safe from the outside.

Most of the cruel poachers you will find out there are the survivors of the Pokemon raid and they are the lucky few who survived or you could say the unlucky few who will face the darkness of the world with deep hatred towards the Pokemon.

Dad, let you go there and lead the Corp just so you could experience a little about the real wilderness, the Badlands. That is a place where we humans are just food for the Pokemon. "

" is the Badlands that bad, Blue? " Alex asked him.

" Almost all trainers who are or selected to experience the Badlands had to lead the defense of a town, village or city against a Pokemon Tide.

This is a training experience to prepare for the Badlands.

That place is the real definition of the sentence,' Kill or be killed' and there, you will know what cruelty really means." Blue said with the most serious face Alex saw him with.

" And what does Badlands mean for the League to put so much focus there?" Alex asked curiously.

" Only the people who stay and survive there are regarded as the true genius and are allowed to enter the core of the league. Until then you and all people similar to you are just possible potential members of league core and not considered as actual member.

None of your generations has been regarded as a confirmed core member of the league. Not even Daniel, Agatha's grand nephew has this honor.

This position is earned and not granted. If Daisy can't survive there, then she herself won't be admitted no matter how powerful me, dad and my wife, Leaf become in the future.

This is an unbreakable custom. The privilege you enjoy now is nothing compared to the ones enjoyed by the core members.

These core members are the true guardians of humanity against the threat of Pokemon in case they attack us.

Pokemon from Badlands often attack at the borders to control the human settlement and kill us. I think they like our meat, more than anything out there. " He said joking to ease the atmosphere.

" And you think I can join the core?" Alex asked still in shock at what reality he was exposed to.

" I don't know. But Dad and Agatha are sure that you would. Even pokemon league president Mr. Charles Goodshow himself believe that you would qualify.

And don't worry only me and Red knows about his thoughts about you."

" And what makes them so confident?" Alex asked because he was losing confidence in himself after learning the truth.

The raids he knew about was cruel, but what Blue revealed was even crueler.

And yet the Badlands which he is expected to live and survive through within two years time is even more difficult and dangerous to compare with the raids.

Comparing them is similar to comparing a rookie trainer and a master trainer and Alex himself knew that the difference was huge since he was at the threshold of master trainer and within six months, time his pidgeot and Slowking may breakthrough to the next level.

By then he can be regarded as a true master trainer too.

Yet knowing, this he once again experience fear in himself. The unknowns are always a subject of fear and curiousity for humans and Alex had the similar look in his eyes.

Blue saw both fear and curiousity in Alex's eyes and remembered he is still an eleven-year kid no matter how skilled he is. and the curiousity in his eyes shocked Blue as even in fear his curious nature isn't subsided.

This may be what made his father sure that Alex will pass the goal they set for him.

" You are a great trainer, Alex. You don't have to hurry up and grow too fast. Now what you need to do is train your mentality. This is another reason for your posting here.

You have all the smarts and brain for Pokemon and Pokemon battling but your heart isn't up to par with what one expects from a trainer of your stature.

Never be afraid of accepting the fact that you are afraid or have fear of something. This fear is what inspired us, humans, to reach the current level.

No matter what mistake you make now, we can solve it for you. You are no longer being taight how to be a powerful trainer.

From advanced trainer onwards, no one could teach him how to advance forward. It is their own skills and ideas that made them stronger. That why it is called the Master Trainer.

You are already well on your path to that. What you are being taught now is how to survive. In the Badlands, your every decision may lead to the death of yourself and many people around you and this guilt has destroyed many geniuses over the course of time.

This time make the most of it. The guilt is the greatest destroyer of humans along with anger. So beware of them "

Blue's words were true for Alex. No matter how much he disregards the death of others, if they died due to his mistake he would always have it on his conscience.

" Thanks for the advice Blue. "

" Don't thank me. I gave you the same talk, dad gave me when I was an advanced trainer but he didn't let me lead as a commander until I was eighteen and even then it took me almost an year to overcome the aftermath.

I don't know how it will affect you but it changes people Alex, it changes people so much that you cannot recognize them." He said gravely.

" What do you mean?"

" Red was very cheerful, outgoing and friendly before leading the defense but now he has become an introvert and closed person. Even I have changed from my past shelf. Sometimes I just compare at past photos of myself and compare the past to my changed self just for the laugh of it. And it seemed like we are twins with two different personalities.

Leading the forces against the Tide is a precursor and preparation for the Badlands. It has a long-lasting effect, Alex and I fear how it may affect someone as young as you. Take care of yourself, Alex." And Blue cut off the call.

Now Alex has many thoughts for himself and he mumbled to himself," So what changes would I undergo after this?"

Alex is shown a hint of reality related to the Pokemon World. Stay tuned for finding a changed Alex.

To be continued…

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If I know some approximate numbers of their populations, I can know how many will attack in what fashion and then I can get an edge over them by trapping them and eradication g many of them even before the Pokemon's attack our walls." Alex explained his thoughts.

Darthnorthercreators' thoughts
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