
In Seeing Her Again

Halfway through their dinner when everyone's hunger was partly satiated, kuya Nap broke the silence and awkwardness in the air.

"Baby Jian, why are you so silent? Do you also have a secret ? " Kuya Nap threw a stolen glance instead to Jim who was occupied in cutting steak for Jia.

Jia, at the same time, was helping Jian cut a piece of chicken breast into tiny bits.

Jian, who was startled by his uncle's voice, suddenly looked up. "Sssh! Do not talk when your mouth is full! "

"Got it, got it! Hahaha! " Kuya Nap now understood why he was silent. Not only that, he had also gone out of the rule!

The rest of them around were amused but they dared not make a sound even if they wanted to laugh. They were just too uncomfortable to be seated together.

Kuya Nap did not stop. "Baby Jian, there are four gentlemen among us. Who do you think is the most handsome? "

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