
flip oo


"What's wrong Li Jun. You seem to be out of it today."

Li Jun puffed out the smoke and glanced at his long time friend.

"Its nothing. Just thinking.'

"What about?"

Li Jun gave no response.

"You know, you have been awefully unavailable for our gatherings lately."

All the four men who also belong to the richest 1 percentile, looked at Li Jun suspiciously..

"Yeah bro, That's it. You could not come for two straight weeks. What's really up? I called your secretary last time and she said, you are away for some personal work."

"Yeah, What personal work? Why was your phone available."

"And why do you look so good these days? You are basically glowing." He wiggled his brows at him lewdly.

Li Jun looked at the men speaking one after the other. He knew that these men just wanted to listen to his gossip.

"I really should have skipped out today's gathering as well."

"Bro! You just reminded me that you were not supposed to come even today. And then you suddenly show up?!"

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