
Family- Part 2

Garbled sounds of thunder could be heard in the sky. A little girl slept in the closed cell which she had been locked in the empty room with not a bed or blanket being provided for the cold night. Raindrops came through the little window which was barbed in wires that had come to turn red and orange due to rust. Screams were heard from the other side of the rooms which disturbed Vivian's sleep, her eyes opening to the dim light in the room.

Not remembering when she arrived here, she pushed the blanket away from her body while dragging herself up so that she could sit at the edge of her bed.

The bat clock which was nailed on the wall cried out as it came outside its wooden house before going back inside to tell the time. It was past six and by the way, the colour of the sky changed Vivian could tell that the night was approaching quickly as darkness began to fall on the lands.

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