
Chaos I

Chaos I

Ref: https://www.ancient.eu/article/649/roman-artillery/

The Romans continuously improved upon the torsion weapons that had first appeared in 4th century BCE Greece. The two main types were the katapeltēs oxybelēs which fired bolts and the lithobolos which fired stones, both over distances of over 300 metres.

Ian Reinmakers pov:

The fall of the Drakks three hundread men retinue and the Reinmakers rebellion quickly spread throughout the surrounding legions.

Many nobles quickly sent delegates to the Drakks or Reinmakers to obtain alliance and to profit among the chaos that is about to ensue.

But the early birds get the worm and the Saggs were the first one to sense this opportunity.

"Well let us begin" My father was there with me to support my decision and decide on any outlying others that have to be made.

"I am Taner and this is my brother Presti Saggs the rest our our retinue are the vassals that are loyal towards us.

"We are looking for an amicable alliance and to push the Drakks out of the city, are you interested" one of the brothers slowly smiled at me.

"Of course , you will also gain a foothold in the city if you wish" "but I can see that you are starting to develop your own" The other one said.

I raised my hand to stop them from asking unnecessary questions about my plan.

"We are all here because you sense an opportunity and we hate the Drakks" , "All I care is the share of the ports , I also" I stood up and grabbed a map.

"Also want this provinces that are loyal to the Drakk" I pointed at the map.

"WHAT?!" Taner stood up

"Those are all farmlands" , "You will get a monopoly on our grain"

"Yes but you will have a larger part and use of the ports, How about this we split the farmland seventy to thirty and vice versa the ports too?

They all started nodding their heads.

"Father what do you think?" I asked my father.

I maybe the young master of the Reinmakers but I still am not in full authority of it.

"Son I support your decision, maybe I should ass on the leadership of the house to you." He smiled at me.

"You have made great progress in such a little amount of time, do what

must be done". My father stood up and left.

"It is great to be loved by your family and achievements don't hurt either" I smiled inside.

By the end of the negotiations, I manage to secure five provinces and thirty percent of the Drakks ports and them the opposite.

Three provinces and seventy percent of the ports, "Not to bad I think, with enough provinces we will expand into a city.

Don Drakk pov:

My hand slowly trembled at the though of happened to my beloved wife and child. "They will pay for this insolence!" I ripped the parchment with the report on it.

Three hundred loses , that was a third of the army and now the vassals was squabbling about whose side they were on also the Saggs came into the picture.

I was so angry "Gather the men and as many loyal vassals we can!' I yelled at the guard outside and he hurriedly left.

"Father" my daughter Dona was crying.

"In a few short weeks we have lost many love ones" She tearfully looked at me.

"Dona, do not cry if we sucessfully defeat the Reinmakers and punish them beyond belief the others will fall in the and the Saggs will have to tread carefully" I slowly walked towards her and carass my babys face.

"With our army and the vassals we may only have about two thousand men, and the Reinmakers forces are building up." We are outnumbered with the Saggs with them". She pointed out our predicament.

"But I do have a way to balance the scales" she slowly looked at me with the look of vengeance.

"The Toroch!" I realized.

"Yes father, they love battle and profit, we may have a chance to invite them to our side since they suffered numerous losses against the Reimakers last time".

"yes , with the Toroch with us the Saggs are no match for us"

My daughter was the smartest one out of the group and if we survive, will be the hope of this household.

Ian Reinmker pov:

Weeks past and the preparation of my troops were ready.

There were reports about the chaos that was raining in the city of Numes as armed groups fought each other to contest the city. The Drakks were forced to were winning the the fight of the city and the saggs were forced out of the city with innumerable losses and so they wait for us.

We had to leave my father behind for he could not fight but my sister and mother came. My sister was still a sergeant but I gave my mother a unit of cavalry just in case she wants to melee.

Halfway to the city.

"My lord, report!" a scout headed towards me.

"The Toroch are blocking the way here with about six thousand units!"

"What?!" of course the Drakks would do something like this, I shook my head.

It might be six to one but my army consisted now of level seven to ten troops and we also have the edge of equipment, last time I fought them I beat them with level four and five troops.

"Gather the captains, time to put us to the test", I quickly ordered the scout.

I may have made the right decision carrying the ballista and extra ammunition this will make for a great show I grinned.

As we got there I scanned the enemy units, level seven and eight, not to bad I though, it must be their elites.

Long lines of spears shined in the area, I looked and to my horror only it was a ragged muddy clearing.

"My cavalry is useless here I though" who ever picked this position knew what they were doing, it is gonna be a hard fight.

I could only move forward, because backwards mean the rebellion has failed.If the Saggs fall, we might be next.

"FORMATION" I directed towards the enemy.

Gene Toroch pov:

"Well Mr. handsome is here ladies" I pointed over the otherside of the fiels, I picked this field because of the damage their cavalry has done to us is the past and this time I hope that we have the advantage.

"I'm gonna get Him!" my youngest daughter Misze was pointing at the man.

"No he's mine!"Jen my oldest daughter butted in.

"I want in the fun!" Festigale my middle daughter pushed them both.

This is gonna be fun!" I yelled at them.

They all looked and nodded at me.

I looked at my daughters squabbling "My daughters are all grown up" , almost put a tear in my eye.

" Everyone formation!" I pointed towards the enemy.

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