At five o'clock in the morning, a gust of cold wind blew through the capital. It was as painful as getting their flesh scraped. Occasionally, a few cars would zoom past the streets and make a commotion. After that, there were only street lamps waiting for dawn with the silence of the morning.
Ye Ying didn't dare to stay any longer. She staggered into the taxi with Sun Dongqing and told them the name of a chain hotel in the country. She was desperate to escape from Ye Zhifan.
What was she going to do tomorrow? There was nothing she could do now.
"Mom, I have to put ice on my face first to reduce the swelling. Forget about the bruises on my body. I can just wear a long-sleeved dress…" Ye Ying quickly spoke to Sun Dongqing in the car. What should she do next? She had no choice now!
She had to go to the Du family first and attend Du Jiayi's birthday party.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: