
Fate, Empathy, or...?

With a bit of time to kill until he enacted his plan, Vahn spent a few hours just wandering the Capital with no particular destination in mind. He decided it was a good opportunity to take Medusa on a date, as, even in the Nasuverse, she very rarely left the Castle. The furthest she ever traveled was the nearby Castle Town, but, after other people began inhabiting it, she lost interest rather quickly.

Though she got along decently with people like Circe, Shuten, and her counterpart in the Nasuverse, Medusa had always been rather anti-social. She didn't like how noisy large groups of people could be, and, as a result of her long hair, she had to constantly remain vigilant to avoid getting it dirty or having it stepped on. Most of all, however, she hated how entitled the average person behaved whenever they were curious about something. She didn't like being gawked at excitedly by people she had no interest in, and, when they tried to pester her with questions, she would not hesitate to snap at them with her hair-formed snakes.

Were it up to her, Medusa would spend most of her days lounging about, sunbathing, taking long baths, and sleeping. If it wasn't something related to poison, her rather sizeable group of snake companions, or her Master, she had very little interest in it. Even then, she would rarely make time for the first two things unless she was feeling bored...

As could be expected, Medusa wasn't enjoying the attention of random people gawking at her unique appearance. This caused her to stand closer to her Master, tightly hugging his arm as she glared at anyone who got closer than a few meters to her body. The gaze of a Gorgon could not be underestimated, and, if anyone wasn't paying close attention, they would feel a cold shiver run through their body whenever her glimmering golden eyes passed over them...

Seeing Medusa even glaring at children and animals, Vahn internally sighed as he used his hand to gently close her eyes, whispering, "Just stay close to me and ignore everything else. I won't let anyone come close to you..."

Though she could still sense the people around her, Medusa did her best to ignore them as she rested her head against her Master's arm. Despite her apparent disdain for pedestrians, she was actually enjoying the date quite a bit. Just spending time with her Master was enough to make her happy, so, despite a strong urge to just turn the chaotic city into a mausoleum of stone, she tolerated their presence for his sake...


After exploring the more impoverished sections of the Capital, handing out quite a bit of food to families and children in need, Vahn decided it was about time for him to finish his business. The sun had started to descend over the horizon, transforming the Capital from an energetic and slightly chaotic land into a mystical place filled with magic and light. It seemed even alive during the evening than it was during the day as millions of people were still celebrating and discussing the events from earlier in the day.

Ignoring the festivities in their entirety, Vahn's shadowy figured descended onto one of the various balconies located around the Imperial Palace. He specifically chose a place that was attached to one of the rooms belonging to the Imperial Family, bypassing any kind of security as most Imperial Guards were currently enjoying a celebration inside the Palace. This included most members of the Imperial Family, and, despite being on the verge of death hours prior, a mummified version of Jack could be found boisterously drinking at the Emperor's side.

Resisting the urge to crash the party, Vahn blended seamlessly into his surroundings before making his way towards the chambers of the Third Princess. He would normally teleport, but, after setting off an alarm during his previous visit, he decided to channel his experiences in the Record of Danmachi, relying on good old fashioned stealth and concealment. You would have to be looking directly at him to even sense his presence, so, confident he could evade all but the Spirits themselves, Vahn flickered through the halls and corridors like a phantom...

Learning his lesson from past experiences, Vahn didn't immediately enter the Third Princess'. Instead, he probed the interior with his intent, confirming she wasn't curled up inside using an artifact that could even fool his detection abilities. Then, after deactivating the various spells that prevented outsiders from accessing the room, he ventured inside to inspect the item that was responsible for the previous incident: a magical diorama of an island.

Though it was drastically different from the orb that had allowed him to learn [Magia Erebea], Vahn could sense a familiar aura infused in the meter-wide diorama that depicted a volcanic island in the middle of a vibrant blue sea. If you looked closely, it was even possible to see a few tiny birds flying around in the sky, their wings moving so slow it was nearly impossible to perceive.

Recognizing it was the type of diorama that allowed a physical body to enter, Vahn placed his hand on the surface before stopping himself. He hadn't been able to sense the location of the Third Princess, and, after placing his hand on the glass sphere, he could sense a subtle shift in the flow of fate...

With a frown on his face, Vahn slowly retracted his hand from the diorama, asking, "Is my fate in this world somehow linked to that boyish girl?"

Even if he wasn't specifically asking her, Sis readily answered, (*According to the knowledge stored in your archives, her fate is intertwined with various legendary figures in this world. She will go on to become one of the members of Ala Rubra, and, though their relationship is not well-documented, there are excerpts mentioning her involvement in the future actions of Ala Alba, the party created by Nagi Springfield's son, Negi.*)

As she spoke, Sis collected all the pertinent information for Vahn, formatting it in such a way that it played across his mind like recalling a memory. This allowed him to understand what kind of existence the Third Princess was, leading him to mutter, "She seems to play a part in most of the major events that shape this world over the next thirty years..."

Though one of the most important events involving Theodora was her kidnapping, it was this same event that led to her close kinship with the Queen of Vespertatia, the woman who would go on to marry Nagi Springfield, a man who was undoubtedly one of the protagonists of this Record. His party, full of legendary figures, played the largest role in bringing the Great Magic War to an end, and, at an unspecified point in the future, he even defeated the incarnation of the Mage of the Beginning...twice.

Shaking his head, Vahn decided to just bite the bullet as he placed his hand on the diorama and entered inside. His trillions of Karma had basically set him on a path that allowed him to either live freely, or, based on his decisions, shape the world itself. He might not have the divine protection of fate itself, but, so long as he didn't do anything drastic, his good fortune was virtually unparalleled...

As that thought crossed his mind, Vahn found himself standing in a clearing located within the forest surrounding the volcano. He could see a stone shelf that allowed water from a few small streams to form a broken waterfall that steadily trickled into a large, crystal-clear, pool. It was a beautiful sight to behold, but, standing out even more than the scenery itself, a petite woman with healthy brown skin, golden hair, and ivory horns could be seen glaring pointedly at him with sapphire-blue eyes...

Sensing the Third Princess' magic power surging, Vahn raised his hand and said, "Stop." in an authoritative tone. The spell circle she had started to form immediately shattered, causing her eyes to widen as she leaped back, covering her breasts with one hand and pulling out a small wand with the other.

Vahn didn't really want to fight, so, rather than chasing after her, he just turned around and raised both hands in a gesture of surrender. This wasn't enough to get the Third Princess to drop her guard, however, resulting in him taking a few bolts of light-infused [Sagitta Magicka] to his back. Despite this, he still didn't move, as, despite her Base Power actually being a little higher than his, there was no way her spells could break through the invisible membrane that was surrounding his body.

Seeing her attack have no effect, Theo held up her wand and shouted, "Who are you!? How did you enter this place!?"

As he had changed both his race and appearance, Vahn was currently indistinguishable from his past self. This was something he had completely forgotten about, causing his mind to race for a brief moment as he decided on a relatively shameless course of action. Before he could implement it, however, Sis firmly stated, (*Absolutely not. How do you even rationalize that as a solution...?*)

Feeling chided, Vahn awkwardly rubbed the back of his head before answering, ("Well, I just thought I could trick her...sorry...")

As they shared the same thoughts, it was impossible to try and convince Sis that he had some kind of grand plan. His idea of transforming into Theodora and pretending to be some kind of Spirit attached to the diorama was both arbitrary and completely unnecessary. It provided no real benefits, and, once the truth came to light, he might become a laughing stock when the tomboyish princess blabbed to others about his ability to turn into a woman.

With his poorly thought out plan nipped in the bud, Vahn restored his appearance to one that the Third Princess would recognize. This, surprisingly, stopped any kind of resistance from the young princess. Instead, she released a loud sigh, followed by the sound of someone walking through the water as she moved to pick up her clothing. Then, despite it being unnecessary, she shouted, "You had better not peek!" in a threatening tone...


Now properly dressed, Theo looked over at the man who seemed to appear and disappear as he pleased. This was the second time he had just spontaneously shown up, and, based on his arrival in the diorama, she was starting to piece together his true intentions.

Showing none of the fear and fervor she had displayed previously, Theo unhesitantly walked over to Vahn, asking, "You're searching for the Dark Evangel, aren't you...?"

Hearing the unexpected question, Vahn turned his head towards the young girl who was peeking around his body and staring up at his face. Her blue eyes glimmered like someone who was absolutely certain their conjecture was right, and, even without him answering, the sides of her smile began to curl up as she explained, "I was so bored after being sent to the safehouse that I spent a whole week thinking about why you had appeared in my room. With your power, it was pretty obvious you didn't have any malicious intentions or you would have never allowed those weak guards to take you~!"

Seemingly very proud of herself, the Third Princess puffed out her chest with her arms spread akimbo as she added, "Though I keep a few treasures hidden in my room, I didn't find any of them tampered with after my return. This meant you were after something in plain sight! With all the reports of the Dark Evangel suddenly appearing, combined with your ability to change forms, I am absolutely certain you were trying to lure her here...!"

Toward the end of her exclamation, Theo was pointing directly at Vahn's face, her finger only a few centimeters away from his nose. She had on a mischievous smile that showed off all her pearly white teeth, and, despite her aura showing she was still very cautious, it was impossible to see any fear or trepidation in her demeanor.

Rather than confirm the Third Princess' conjecture, Vahn shook his head and said, "Things are a little more complicated than you think. Still, I will give you credit for your astute observation. My primary reason for visiting tonight was to inspect this diorama. As for my last appearance, however, that was something I couldn't have predicted. Had I not been caught off guard, our paths might have never crossed..."

Though she felt Vahn was being somewhat petty, Theo couldn't actually prove her claims so she just crossed her arms and asked, "So, what are you planning? This diorama was a gift from my late mother so I won't part with it easily. If you're looking for that scroll, I gave it to that big oaf with more muscle than brain."

Hearing the Third Princess mention a scroll, Vahn understood why he couldn't sense one of Eva's memory fragments within the diorama. It was likely a place she had prepared in order to train the person who obtained her scroll, a method to decrease the amount of time it took to master the skill while also serving as a seal to prevent them from causing havoc in the outside world. It even had an impressive time dilation of 24:1, meaning a whole day would pass inside the diorama for every hour that passed in reality...

Shaking his head, Vahn explained, "I have no intention of robbing you of your belongings. I have great respect for the love and affection shared between a mother and their child so your concerns are unnecessary. Rather, you could say that my reason for entering this diorama was to give you a gift. I had sensed your presence inside, and, after our previous encounter, a bit of fate seems to have formed between us. Tell me, Princess Theodora of the Hellas Empire, do you have any wishes...?"

Not expecting the subject of wishes to come out of nowhere, Theo showed an expression of surprise as she cocked her head to the side and asked, "Are you some kind of special dragon that grants wishes or something?"

Hearing the Third Princess' question, Vahn adopted a thoughtful expression, his eyes turning toward the sky for a few moments before he mused, "That is not too far from the truth...I have granted quite a number of wishes over the last hundred years or so..."

Surprised by Vahn's musings, Theo began to feel excitement bubbling up from the pit of her stomach as she asked, "So, can you like grant any kind of wish!? What if I want to be, like, the most powerful person in the world? No, how about the ability to freely teleport around, or, or, maybe something like the ability to breathe in outer space!?"

Seeing how excited the Third Princess had become, Vahn felt a little guilty, but, after realizing he could actually grant all the things she mentioned, he began to ruminate before stating in a firm tone, "Wishes can be a double-edged sword if your convictions are lacking. Those who wish for wealth often find themselves victimized by the people closest to them. As for power, that kind of thing is only useful when you want to protect something dear to you. Any kind of power that isn't meant to protect will slowly corrupt your heart, turning you into a tyrant that lacks even basic compassion..."

Hearing Vahn's tone, most of Theo's excitement faded away, causing her to fall silent as she properly considered his words. Then, after several minutes had passed, she looked up at him and plainly stated, "If there were no restrictions, there are only three things I would wish for in this life...the return of my mother...the prosperity of my people...and the freedom to travel the world. I hate politics and I don't want to spend my life cooped up inside castle walls..."

Though he wasn't surprised that she would wish for her late mother's revival, her desire for freedom was something that caught him off guard. He knew she was something of a tomboy, but, based on all the achievements she accumulated over her life, Vahn never expected that one of her primary wishes was to simply travel freely. All of her wishes were things that deeply resonated with him, making him wonder if they really did have some kind of fate...

After considering his response for several seconds, Vahn honestly stated, "The Soul is a very complex thing, far more than even the most knowledgeable Archmage understands. Though it wouldn't be impossible, resurrecting your mother isn't something I can accomplish without a considerable amount of preparation. I, too, lost my mother at a very young age, so, while it might be possible to reunite the two of you, trust me when I say she would be happier if you just lived your life to the fullest. Allow the dead the rest they deserve, as there is much more to life than the present moment we are bound to..."

Taking note of the fact that Vahn stated it wasn't impossible, a very small seed of hope had been planted in Theo's heart. His final words also left a deep impression, but, as the memory of her mother's passing was still fresh, she couldn't completely accept them. Even if she was unable to convince him to help her, just knowing there was a way to revive her mother gave her hope.

Recognizing the look of conviction within the Third Princess' eyes, Vahn couldn't help sighing in the back of his mind. He couldn't just tell her she needed to give up on meeting her mother again, as, based on what he knew of the Akamatsuverse, there was a good chance the spirit of the late queen still existed in a Realm somewhere. He knew earth had a few different versions of Heaven and Hell, and, though it wasn't as prominent as the Nasuverse, there was even an Age of the Gods...

Resisting the urge to shake his head, Vahn adopted an understanding smile as he said, "Your other two wishes are relatively simple to achieve, so long as you are willing to work hard. As I said, power that isn't obtained leads to the heart falling to corruption. Freedom is very similar, as, depending on circumstances, the only thing that can grant absolute freedom is having the power to ignore all restrictions. As for the matter of your people's prosperity...well, you don't have to work on that alone. Rather, the best thing you can do for your people is to empower them through education. Everything else comes down to weeding out corruption in higher government offices, replacing them with people who serve the interests of the people, not themselves..."

Hearing Vahn's convoluted explanation, Theo adopted a deadpan expression on her face as she asked, "So, you don't actually grant wishes? You just give advice and tell people to work hard?"

Ignoring the accusatory tone used by the Third Princess, Vahn habitually plopped his hand atop her head as he explained, "I do have the power to grant wishes, but, if you are unable to appreciate the power granted to you, you are simply unworthy of them. Just look at Jack as an example of what someone can accomplish if they possess the proper mentality. Tell me, what would you do if I gave you the power to freely teleport? Would you just run away from home, leaving countless people worried about your safety? Would you venture into danger, putting the life your mother had given you on the line...?"

Though she would normally hate having someone rub her head, Theo was surprised by how 'natural' Vahn's hand felt atop her head. She felt as though her mind had become clear, her tumultuous emotions gradually stabilizing. This allowed her to properly consider the meaning behind his words, leading to her answering, "I think I would stay and continue trying my best for my Empire. Still, I would like that kind of power...just knowing I can leave whenever I want would make things a lot easier..."

Vahn could easily empathize with the Third Princess' words, so, after seeing the pleading look in her eyes, he pulled out three matching bracelets, explaining, "These bracelets are linked by very powerful magic. Not only do they allow the wearers to sense each others' locations, but, under the right conditions, they can allow for instantaneous transmission between each other. I want you to give one of these bracelets to Jack. The other will be kept on my person, leaving you with the final one. If a time comes when you simply want to get away for a short while, you need only infuse your mana into the red gemstone. So long as I am not in an environment that will endanger you, I will transfer you to my side. When it is time for you to return, the bracelet kept by Jack will serve as a beacon that allows you to freely move between the two points. For now, this is all I will provide you...if you want your other wishes to be granted, you will have to work hard..."

Even before she heard the explanation of the item, Theo had a massive grin on her face when she saw the glittering golden bracelet. She normally disliked jewelry, but, unlike a traditional accessory, the bracelet provided by Vahn looked like an Ouroboros devouring its own tail. It had a pattern of sharp scales on the outside, and, giving it a somewhat intimidating look, its eyes shimmered with red and blue light. Better yet, when she placed it on her wrist, it resized to fit her perfectly, and, after trying to remove it, it slid off without any trickery involved...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Medusa be like *jiiiiii-*. Vahn be like (o. o')','Is this good fortune?','Vahn is truly cursed o_o...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


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